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The buzzing of the fluorescent lights illuminating the waiting room would've been deafening if it wasn't for the bustling waiting room. There wasn't a triage centre in Siren's Bay's quaint, little town so, Soren had to be transported to the next town over, Brinland. It had been a taxing forty-minute drive once Soren had gone unconscious. The paramedics reassured her that she would be okay once they reached the hospital, but that didn't ease Niylah's worry. She was helpless; there was nothing she could do to save her friend. It was up to the paramedics and the hospital staff to take care of her now.

Once they reached the hospital, the paramedics lowered the gurney out of the hospital and wheeled her into the emergency room where they called out for a nurse. A man in light blue scrubs spoke to one of the paramedics, using terms and abbreviations Niylah wasn't quite familiar with. She heard them on hospital dramas before, but that didn't mean she understood what they meant. What she could understand was the bullet was still lodged inside Soren's shoulder and it would require surgery to remove it.

The nurse had tried to speak to her, but Niylah was like a zombie. She felt like her body was on autopilot as she nodded. She watched as Soren was transported through a pair of large, locked doors. A red line marked the threshold where she wasn't able to cross. The only thing she could do was wait.

That's exactly what she was doing. Waiting.

She wasn't sure how much time had passed as she sat, alone, in the waiting room. She knew it was at least morning, the clock hanging above the nurse's station had stated it was 6:21 when she last looked, but she didn't bother checking it anymore. With each second that passed where Soren wasn't out, her concern for her grew. It was easier to deal with the stress without being reminded by the time.

Despite it being morning, the hospital was still swarming with activity. Nurses moved to and from the station, some standing reading charts and some typing away at the computers before disappearing down hallways and through doors. An electronic hum signaled the patients coming in and out of the hospital.

Niylah was sat in one of the cushiony, blue chairs. Her elbow rested against the plastic armrest, holding up the side of her head. She stared blankly ahead, listening to the world continue around her. She didn't even start when Tom approached her, tapping her on the shoulder to alert her of his presence.

"How is she?" Tom asked.

Niylah licked the roof of her mouth; it was like she had wads of cotton soaking up the saliva from her mouth. It was dry and she was thirsty, but she did nothing to solve the issue.

"I'm not sure," she said. "They took her to surgery."

"How long has she been in there?"

Niylah's response was a shrug and she hoped he wouldn't ask her more questions that she didn't have the answers for. She kept staring ahead, at nothing in particular.

Silence passed among them for some time. Niylah wasn't sure if it had been an hour or only fifteen minutes since they last shared a word with each other.

"I spoke to the sheriff," Tom said, breaking the quiet. "They haven't caught Malden yet, but they have a few ideas on where he might've run."

When Niylah didn't offer a reply, he continued. "I brought a change of clothes for you. Soren probably won't like to see you covered in her blood once she's out of surgery."

She tore her gaze away from the nothingness in front of her and rested it on him. He had changed into a fresh, black button-up; his sleeves were rolled up to his elbows. Even his normal Siren's Bay Marina hat had been switched out for a clean cap. Niylah had on the same clothes, covered in Soren's blood.

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