Bonus Chapter 4: Skies of Trouble

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The Wonder Stars hurried to the Windswept Plains- only to find that the skies were a tad bit windier than usual. "You've gotta be careful- we could get swept away if we don't stand our guard!" Haoyu replied as a leaf blew past his face. "Well, well! Try to catch me!" Replied a voice. "Oh, you bet, Worville!" Rebecca said as the gang pressed onward through the stormy sky islands. "We're coming for you, Bro Bro!" Haoyu teased.

As the gang rushed through the clouds, they saw a costume Crystal, and Rebecca couldn't resist touching it. Instantly, she became Gear King, the more adult version of Gear Prince. "Woohoo!!" Rebecca screamed as she spun the wheels in order to help her friends make their way. Aero Acrobat Haoyu then closed in on some unsuspecting balloons- just like a certain blue hedgehog. "I'm gettin good at this!" He replied to himself.

"We're almost there to those clouds- and since the sky is white, I bet there might be a shortcut there." Kaylo said as a Soaring Sheep, and the gang followed in leaps and bounds to the storm just waiting for them. "Looks like the sky is getting darker." Haoyu replied as he stared at the darkening sky. Suddenly, a wind current was nearby- and it seemed pretty inviting.

"Whatcha say, guys? Let's go through it!" Leo said as the seven of them stepped into the wind current. "Away we go!" Haoyu replied. "WHOAAAAAA!" Everyone screamed as they were launched towards the stormy sky. "Mayday! Mayday! We're coming in close!" Haoyu said as the gang landed on a platform- the very same one they had fought Worville Wright on.

"AAAAHHHH!" Kaylo said as she looked down at the ground- but this was false, as the fall back down appeared to be a very long way. "Thank you for choosing Worville Airlines for all your travel needs. Just sit back, relax, and enjoy some sweet tunes!" Replied a voice. In a moment or two, Worville Wright immediately came down from the stormy skies. "Bro Bro, it's about time you got tamed!" Haoyu said, becoming an Aero Acrobat.

"Oh, you say so, lil buddy?" Worville teased. "Then I dare you to try and get me!" He said, skywriting the words, "Come and Get me!" "Oh, you bet we will!" Rebecca said as the gang chased Worville into the sky. "You ain't gettin me cause I'm too fast for ya!" He replied, trying to throw the gang off course. "Well, being blown away by you isn't a choice!" Haoyu said as he swooped towards the beast.

The gang climbed through wind and storms until they finally caught up to Worville. Knowing what he had to do, Haoyu threw the leash over Worville, instantly calming him at once. "So, Worvi- here's the deal." Haoyu replied bravely. "And what would that be, Bro Bro?" Worville asked as Haoyu took out an energy drink. "Well, I have one question for you: Wanna come to the new lobby? There are tons of energy drinks just waiting for you!" He replied.

"You serious, Bro Bro?! You really are my wingman!" Worville Wright replied as he squealed. "Okay then! I'll get on you!" Haoyu replied as he got on Worville. "Hang on!" Haoyu replied as the rest of the team grabbed onto his propellers. "Just don't look down!" He replied, and the gang zipped into the Nega Boss Lobby in a fraction of a second.

In the lobby, there looked to be an entire pyramid of what appeared to be cans of energy drinks. "YES!" Worville Wright screamed as he went for the energy drinks and started chugging down the first one. "Well, they DO say Red Bull gives you wings." Haoyu replied. The gang chuckled and headed for the Treetop Forest. It was time for some birdwatching!

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