Chapter 8 : Traps

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A few minutes later, Munson takes the kamis to Callian, the latter just chuckling:

- You again, the kamis

Lenno came over and punched Callian:

- You've crossed the line, Callian!

- You kidnapped Sheyenn

Callian chuckles again and orders his enemies to be imprisoned, licking his lips when he sees Joey:

- How pretty she is said Callian

Callian approached Joey:

- You are so cute, young girl!

Joey sees clearly in Callian's game, she hits him in the crotch, Callian falls to the ground:

- Emperor Callian, are you all right?

Callian gets up quickly

He approached Sayen, Lenno's wife and noticed that she was very pretty too.

Unscrupulously, he starts stroking the hair, Lenno gets angry:

- You don't touch my wife

Munson struck Lenno, the latter fell to the ground:

- Dad ! shouted Sheyenn

Munson kidnapped Sheyenn

- No, leave my son alone! shouted Lenno

- Shut up!

Callian took Sayen by the hand:

- You come with me, Sayen

- No ! No !

- You don't have a choice anyway

He took her to his room:

- Mom ! shouted Sheyenn

Munson chuckled and mocked Sheyenn's screams, Lenno hugging his son.

Munson is interested in Livia, he comes to get her

Then takes him to his room:

- I find you very pretty

Livia looks away, she hates Munson too for what he did to Kaina.

- I hate you, Munson Ford, you are horrible, you killed Kaina Keiwani all because she loves Isaiah, if she chose the sage of the forest, I will tell you why, Isaiah's heart is purer that yours, your heart is black like Callian's, you may be strong but you are also arrogant and proud.

Munson got angry:

- But shut up

- Never, if you loved Kaina so much, why did you kill her?

- Do you really want to know? well I'll tell you, she always preferred Isaiah, always Isaiah, when Callian had her burned, she always thought of him, I wanted her to forget about him.

- But you really are sick, Munson! and you killed her for it!

- And I'm proud of it

- What you did is unspeakable

Suddenly, Munson slowly approached Livia:

- You look so much like Kaina

Livia does not give in and hits him very hard, Munson falls to the ground, he hates when you say no to him

- Dirty bitch!

He is about to strike her when suddenly the spirits of Isaiah and Kaina appear and use "Lianas of Nei" on Munson.

- We do not attack the kami of nature or all the kamis of the valley

- Kaina? Isaiah?

- You really are a monster, Munson, for killing my fiancee, she didn't love you because you were so arrogant and immature, said Isaiah angry

- I was jealous of you, in revenge, I claimed you were abusing children, Callian used this excuse to get him executed

Kaina hits Munson with his vines:

- Monster!

Isaiah takes out his flute, a tree appears, the branches strike Munson several times.

Sue decides to warn Marius, Deelan, as well as the members of the tribe of Jolan, she also warns Jolan in the process.

- Let's go

- We will help them

- Hold on, we're coming said Deelan

- I'm coming, the kamis

Meanwhile, Sayen is in Callian's room, the emperor is out, so she takes advantage of his absence to escape from the emperor's room, she decides to go and see where the kamis are located in cells.

The people of Erya decide to help too.

Livia noticed the key in Munson's room, she took it directly, with Isaiah and Kaina, she goes to the cells.

Sue, Jolan, Marius, Deelan, Karolina and Laurie and the rest of the Nahele tribe, Terra and Laura also came.

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