Little 2 year old Vanessa grew up in a harsh home with her mother and father, she was an only child which made her the biggest target to her parents cruel ways. When Vanessa was about 5 that's when the abuse had started for her. Her father would beat her till she was purple and her mother would scream and yell telling her "you're so worthless why didn't I get rid of you while I had the chance", "I hate you and your ugly little face". That was her favorite thing to say to little Vanessa. She never told Vanessa that she loved her or that she even cared about Vanessa.
Vanessa's parents were barely home her father was always working and her mother was always at the bar getting drunk. But when they were home they would taunt little Vanessa and make her clean for them. She would have to pick up beer cans, broken glass, and cigarettes everyday. Sometimes she would get cut with a piece of glass and her parents wouldn't even care. They would just laugh and say "keep cleaning or I'll be the one to cut you next"
Vanessa had one person who genuinely cared about her. He was her favorite person in the world her best friend Jaydon who lived across the street from her house. His parents were never home either so when they were home alone Vanesaa would go to Jaydons house and play their favorite game hide n seek. They loved to play hide n seek. Vanessa fell and scrapped her knee one day. So Jaydon kissed her knee to try and make it feel better. Jaydon always made Vanessa feel safe. He was her protector.
On Vanessa 8th birthday she got the news that her father had died from a accident at work. Vanessa was so sad she couldnt believe he was actually gone. Apart of Vanessa was glad that he was finally gone but she couldn't help that feeling that she still loved him even after all he did to her. The day of his funeral Vanessa walked up to his casket got on her knees and prayed and told god that she forgives her father for all that he has done to her and she forgives her mother for saying all those horibble things. Vanessa asked god for a better life and since her father is gone that her mother would want love and want to change for Vanessa but she never did. She just drank even more than before. Her mother would smoke so much that poor little Vanessa began to have trouble breathing. Her mother noticed Vanessa having trouble and asked "what the hell is wrong with you" Vanessa couldn't even speak she couldn't even catch her breath to make a few words come out. "Stop being a crybaby" said her mother as she blew cigarette smoke into her face.
Jaydon saw that Vanessa was sitting on the sidewalk crying and asked her "why do you let your mom hurt you like this" she replied "I don't know I just want her to love me that's all ". "Well I love you" said Jaydon "I will always love you I will never hurt you like them I promise". After that he knew he would try anything to help make her feel better. "Now let's go play hide n seek 1.. 2.. 3.. NOT IT!!" said Jaydon and ran to his house. Vanessa giggled and screamed "heyy! Wait for me"
The next day her mom went out and never came back home. Vanessa didn't think anything of it. The next day her mom still wasn't back Vanessa started to worry and ran to Jaydon' s house and told him that her mom hasn't been home in 2 days. Jaydon called his mom and his mom told him to call the police and report a missing persons. The cops came and spoke to Vanessa and asked her where her mother could be. She told the officer "at the bar I think.. that's where she usually goes". The office then said "stay right here I'm gonna go make a quick call" Vanessa was scared she never talked to a police officer before. The police began to investigated her house to see if they could find anything that could help them find Vanessa's mom. But as soon as they went into the house they found drugs and broken beer bottles, cigarette ashes everywhere this home is no home for a child. The office called then social services and put Vanessa to live with her Aunt Julie. "No child should ever live in such conditions" said the officer. Vanessa was forced to leave everything behind. But the hardest thing for Vanessa to leave behind was Jaydon. He was so sad to see Vanessa have to leave, he cried and begged for her to stay but she couldn't. Vanessa said her goodbyes hot tears streaming down her face. "I'm sorry but it's time to go Vanessa" says Aunt Julie. Vanessa runs to Jaydon and hugs him so tight he could barley breath "please Jaydon! please! don't let them take me I don't wanna leave you please!!" cried out Vanessa. She couldn't let go of him he was the only person that ever truly loved her, he was her protector, her family, the only person that's been there for her. But she couldn't stay the officer grabbed Vanessa but she just kept squeezing tighter and screaming "PLEASE NOO!! PLEASE I DON'T WANNA GO PLEASE!!!". It took 3 officers to pull her off of Jaydon and force her into Aunt Julie's car. It was her final farewell and the start of her new life with Aunt julie but Vanessa couldn't help but feel as if something wasn't right...