Chapter One

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  • Dedicated to To J.K Rowling, Jacqueline Wilson, Stephinie Meyer and J. R.R Tolkein.

Chapter one.

“Get me another drink will you?” I asked Shannon loudly, trying to be heard over the booming music and the other clubbers yells.

“’Course,” she replied, slamming her glass down on the bar.

Shannon was dressed to the nines and looked the oldest of us two. I was surprised I was even allowed in. I didn’t even look my age, fifteen, I looked about twelve. I was too scared to even ask for a coke; everyone was staring at me suspiciously.

Shannon, on the other hand, had a short, black miniskirt on with fishnet tights and killer heels. Tight around her chest, was a bandeau top, its neon radiant yellow colour shining madly in the dim lights.

“One coke please,” she asked the bartender, who looked slightly shocked at her tame request.

“Sure you don’t want anything stronger?” said the guy next to her, leaning towards Shannon.

“No thanks,” Shannon sneered, edging away from him and handing a few coins to the barman.

“Here,” she thrust the drink at me and went off to dance.

Sipping at my coke, I started strolling around the club, swerving around the drunk, dancing couples. I finally came to the edge of the stage, and leant against the cold wall, trying to cool down.

Suddenly, someone started speaking through a microphone, and I jumped, my drink spilling out over the glass.


Probably the most handsome boy I had ever seen caught my glass as it was about to fall, and our fingers touched for a moment, a sudden shock of electricity ran through me and I gasped.

“It’s okay,” he whispered, shaking his messy, blonde hair and patting my quivering shoulder with his large hand.

I was about to say thanks when he disappeared, and behind him a couple of other boys trailed on after him up onto the stage, carrying guitars.

“…and here to play for us tonight are hot new local boyband BassDrop!” screeched the announcer into the microphone and thrusting out a hand to welcome the boys.

“Hi everyone!” shouted the blonde boy, “we’ve got a ton of songs to sing for you crazzzyyy clubbers tonight! Here’s…Lights in Your Eyes!”

And with that, he picked up his guitar and started singing softly into the microphone. The lyrics were soft and sweet at first, but then got fast and shouty, the music speeded up and everyone started jumping. The shy-looking mousey-haired boy hiding behind the drums hit the drum hard and quick, the second guitarist, with cropped, black hair strummed long and made deep sounds.

After a while, I found myself moving closer to the stage, but still standing at the corner and not jumping around.

The second song began. It was called “I’ve Got to See You Sometime.” It sounded like one of a popular rock/pop boyband'ssongs. Halfway through, the music stopped, and so did everyone’s vigorous jumping, I stared wide-eyed.

“Hey, so, we want a special girl to come up on stage with us and have a dance! Who wants to?” said the blonde boy smoothly into the microphone.

A thousand, high-pitched screams erupted and I could spot Shannon, leaping wilding into the air, arms waving at the back, with a hot boy clinging onto her tiny waist.


I spun my head around, wanting to see who they had chosen and if she was pretty. Maybe she had blonde hair like the boys, better than my long, dark brown hair. Or she had baby blue eyes, compared to my boring green ones. Her waist might be small and her legs long and lean, looking better than my short, stubby legs and normal figure. Her clothes might be cool and hip, more fashionable than my brother’s Star Trek tee and denim skater skirt.

“Come on then!”

This girl was probably checking her makeup, hair, clothes, and anxiously wondering if she looked pretty.


The crowd laughed, this girl was probably embarrassed now, I felt sorry for her and tried to follow everyone’s eyes to see who the unlucky girl was.

I gasped again when all eyes were on me.

“Finally!” laughed the blonde boy, and the crows joined in.

I was glad the lights were dark; no one would see my magenta face.

And then a huge, blaringly bright spotlight shone on me!

“Are you coming on stage or not, little wallflower?”

I nodded and stumbled up the steps, grabbing the rail nervously, my hands shaking.

In the corner of my eye, I could see the drummer shaking his head at me and I felt ashamed. I turned to face him, ready to give him a stony stare, when he smiled at me shyly and then turned away.

“Heyy!” said the blonde boy, grabbing my arm and holding my hand tightly.

I became a little more tense and nervous, and again the electric current ran through me.

“This song’s for you,” he muttered softly and I swear my heart melted.

Then he, and the rest of the band, sang a sweet, short melody about a girl on the ‘outside’ and her feelings tipped like a ‘landslide’. It was cheesy, but oh-so-sweet.

And all the way through, he held my hand.

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