Chapter Four

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 I sat next to Carter, Lee sat between me and Shannon, and Adam sat next to Shannon. I was insanely jealous and kept glaring at Shannon, who didn't notice because she was too busy flirting with Adam. I was giving her the evils, when Carter asked, "Do you have something in your eye?" I blushed deeply and shook my head, resorting to cursing her in my head instead.

 Apparently, the band had finished at the club we were at, and a fight had erupted too, so they left to go to this club, the only other considerably cool one in the town. They had only just arrived when they spotted us. "It was lucky I found you, or you could have got in some serious trouble," said Adam, matter-of-factly. The rest of BassDrop nodded and Shannon snuggled closer to Adam "You were so brave, I can't begin to thank you! You're my knight in shining armour!" She laughed, completely forgetting about my help. Adam laughed with her and said "Any time." I huddled in my seat and seperated myself from the gang for a moment.

 "Are you okay, Elsie?" Lee asked me. "You look a little, erm, upset." I instantly sat up and smiled toothily. "Oh, yes. I'm fine." I answered pointedly, glancing at Shannon and then at Adam. "I'm just tired." "Maybe you should go home? I know you young girls like sneaking out and all that, and I'm sure your parents have no idea you're out, but I suppose it is a little late." Adam acknowledged. Shannon glared at me. "So, you're not still at school?" she asked innocently. Adam shook his head, and his heavily-gelled blonde hair stayed still. "Well, we're all still at college. The same one, actually. That's how we started the band. We're all taking a music course." Adam replied.                                    "How old are you though?" Shannon asked again.                                                                                 "I'm eighteen, Lee's seventeen, and Carter's eighteen too."                                                                  "Cool, so Lee, what's it like being the youngest?"                                                                                    "Great," Lee laughed, looking happy that Shannon had finally noticed him.                                 "Carter, you haven't spoke much, how's life?" Shannon asked Carter this time, who's expression didn't change at all. His ear's went scarlet. And he swallowed before he answered. "Fine, I'm...fine." he eventually mumbled. Shannon turned away from him, obviously realising there was nothing worth going after there. I felt sorry for Carter; he was quite good-looking, it was just his extremely shy and quiet personality that let him down. He had these amazing dark blue eyes, really dark brown hair that swept to the side, and he was meduim-height, not too tall, not too small. His smile was small, and he had little, white teeth that were hardly ever shown. He looked strong, and was normal-build, he had pale skin that looked glowingly healthy. Once, I think he caught me looking, so I looked away, but then Lee was on my other side, staring at me. I sighed, and looked ahead of me instead, at the deep-purple wall.

 It was almost one 'o clock when Shannon decided that we go back to Emily's. The taxi ride home was only short, and Shannon wouldn't stop talking about Adam most of the way. He had her phone number too, and I felt less special.  "I mean, he's seriously good-looking! Way better than the other two anyway! One's a goth and one's barely noticeable. He saved us too...aren't you grateful? You didn't even say one word to him, he'll be thinking you don't like him. But, I suppose he won't call you back anyway, now that he has mine....he can call me and you at the same time then! I promise that the moment he calls or texts me, I'll tell you and we can all meet up!" she garbled on and on, all the way to Emily's tiny bungalow near the middle of town. Emily opened the door straight away, like she had been watching out the window. She probably had. I felt sorry for her. Shannon had persuaded her to stay at home in case her Mum or Dad came back suddenly or someone called round. Emily took it with a spoonful of sugar and didn't question it.

 Nothing had moved since we left in the minature living room Emily had occupied all night. "Why didn't you go to bed and leave us a key?" Shannon asked, acting all concerned, but really wishing we could just have sneaked in and got away from her constant babble. "I, er, didn't think of that. Sorry! Anyway, how was your night?" Said Emily excitedly. Shannon yawned and shrugged nonchalantly. Emily's face fell and she nodded quickly. "Want a cup of tea? Or hot chocolate?" she asked, wandering into the kitchen, but I saw her hand quickly touch her eye. "No thanks, I'd rather go to bed. Where are we sleeping anyway?" Shannon replied, yawning loudly again, but then rolling her eyes at me.                "Oh! I fixed the spare room up for both of you! We've only got one bed, but I've got a blow-up bed on the floor next to it..." Emily said, coming out of the kitchen, and forgetting to ask me if I wanted a drink. She lead us to the spare room. It was about the same size as the kitchen, and one single bed with a pretty patterned, white duvet was in the corner with a great, grey and ugly blow-up bed in the other. It had another duvet and  a raggedy pillow, which was mine, on top of it. "I'm sleeping the proper bed!" Announced Shannon, collapsing sideways onto the bed, her long legs draped over the edge. "Okay," I said, instantly agreeing with her, as always.  Emily smiled and then just stood there, swapping feet every few seconds. "Aren't you going to bed, Emily?" Shannon hinted. Emily took the hint quickly and scurried off, leaving us unpacking our pajamas and make-up wipes.

 Once we were in bed, make-up off and comfortable pajamas-in my case a tank top and shorts-we started chatting, Well, it was mostly Shannon talking and me occasionally interrupting to answer her questions or agree with her. "Emily's such a desperate cow!" Shannon moaned meanly. I didn't answer. I actually liked Emily. "Why? She's helped us, hasn't she?" I said, speaking quietly because I was sure Emily had a glass pressed against the wall or something like that. "Yeah, but only because everyone else's parents would've got suspicious! I don't know why her parents are leaving her, if only for a weekend, by herself when she's this nervous, twitchy little wreck." Shannon snarled. I yawned, pretending to be tired. "Can we go to sleep now? It's almost three!" I said. Shannon yawned too, but this time for real, and rolled over to face the wall. "Night, Elsie." she said. I said goodnight back and then laid awake all night, listening to Shannon's loud snores and the muffled sobbing sounds from next door.

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