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COREY SAT ON HER DESK, writing letters to her best friend and crush, coincidently also her roommate

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COREY SAT ON HER DESK, writing letters to her best friend and crush, coincidently also her roommate. she was never going to send the letters of course, so she kept them hidden from him.

she wrote letters every now and then, reminding herself of her pathetic crush for him. she also read the letters sometimes, cringing at herself and how she was really fucked up and down bad.

the letters were like a diary, very personal and confidential. she hid them pretty well, when she was looking for a desk she found one with a drawer with a false bottom, where you could put it on and off. it had enough space to put a book with about three hundred pages.

( a/n : hi, sorry to interrupt but i just want to explain it better. so if there are any people who watched attack on titan, ( slight spoilers? i'll try to give as less spoilers as possible !! ) if i remember correctly, in season 1-3 when they went back to eren's house there was a desk and the desk had a false bottom. i'll edit it if it gives a big spoiler, it's something like that, sorry again for interrupting lol enjoy reading <3 )

she continued to write until she heard a knock at the door, she opened her drawer and put her letter inside. the door opened, revealing him. "hey" said wilbur, walking inside her bedroom.

on the right side of the bedroom was placed her bed, it was messy and her clothes were scattered all around the floor. her laptop was also placed ontop the bed, stuffed animals on it.

next to it was her beloved desk where she kept all her things, including her makeup and other personal things. infront of the desk there was a window, showing the front yard. next to her desk was her wardrobe, had her clothes and shoes in it. and next to it was a mirror, y'know so she can look at herself.

getting to the left side of the room, she had a piano keyboard in her room. she plays piano sometimes and brought it from her old home. next to that, there was a door that led to her bathroom.

"you should clean your room, it's so messy." he said, sitting on her bed and taking one of the stuffed animals and pet its head.

"says you," she laid her head on the table, closing her eyes. "you haven't even seen it!"

"knowing you, it's messy" she looked back at him, smirking. he sighed, knowing she was right and hadn't cleaned his room the past week. "fine, i'll go clean my room and you go clean yours. then we can go to get ice cream, deal?" she nodded excitedly, she quickly stood up and started cleaning her room.

he had already walked out and went to clean his room. 

she picked up all her clothes on the ground first, she folded them since most of the clothes were clean, she just took them out to see what to wear at some point and forgot to put it back.

for the dirty clothes, she folded them with the clean clothes and put them away in her wardrobe. she moved onto others things scattered around her room, she picked up the blank papers in her room and put them on her desk.

she looked in her mirror, "corey! you done yet?" she heard wilbur exclaim, she quickly fixed her hair and grabbed her sneakers and put them on.

she sped-walked towards wilbur, he waited for her at the front door. "sorry, i was just putting on my shoes" he shook his head, "it's fine"

he opened the door for her to pass through, "ladies first" he grinned, she laughed. "gladly," skipping happily to his car. he closed the door and locked it, before he closed he told sushi (his cat) to behave since they were going to leave him there. 

he unlocked his car, letting corey sit in the passenger seat. he opened the door of the driver seat and sat in it, putting on his seat belt and turning on the engine. "seat belt," he reminded her as he pulled out of their driveway. 

"ah, thanks" she put on her seat belt, taking a glance at him. wilbur had connected his phone and started playing lovejoy songs, she liked it. 

"so egotistical" she rolled her eyes jokingly. he laughed, "you love it." 

"love what?" 

"the songs. and me of course." he grinned cheekily. 

i do.

they soon arrived to the ice cream place, he parked in the parking lot of the place and took off his seat belt. "i'll be right back with ice cream, you want vanilla, right?" she nodded, "thanks!" she exclaimed as he closed the door and walked away. 

corey sighs, closing her eyes and relaxing in the seat. her heartbeat seemed to quicken, she calmed herself down and went through her phone. 

she heard the door open, making her look upwards. she saw wilbur, holding two ice creams. he handed her the vanilla, "thank you!" she exclaimed as grabbed the spoon and took a bite. he chuckled, "vanilla is so basic"

"says you! you have the second most basic flavor" he shook his head, "atleast it's not vanilla" taking a bite out of his. they talked as they continued to eat their ice cream, listening to your city gave me asthma in the background.

he quickly finished his ice cream, starting to drive back to their house, staying in silence the way back to the house.

the silence was a comfortable silence, bringing her some kind of support. she hoped it would stay like this forever, hoping her crush for him would just fade away...

 she hoped it would stay like this forever, hoping her crush for him would just fade away

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lol hi i hope you enjoyed this chapter, ( why did i start typing video SKJDHF)

i haven't mentioned this in the chapter but corey's FULL name is corey nicole love, some people call her by her second name for some reason? but yeah, jsut wanted to say that lol

have a good day slash night!!!

WRITTEN : September 20, 2021
PUBLISHED :  July 9, 2023

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