I dont want to lose you agian

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Vilu pov 

I cant belive it the love of my life what eles can i say ofcours i want him back in my life he means the world to me ' yes i forgive i mean it was not your fault it was Lara and Tomáš ' i told him he had the biggest smile on his face i hugged him and he hugged me back

Nobody pov 

When the people saw the lovebirds confussing there love to one another they were happy for them and especialy there dear friendes and with the coupl hold hands and went to AirPort there friendes following them from behin.

On the plan

The two lovebirds meaning Leonthea look at each other with happienes, love and longing for one another but suddenly something intrupted them Vilus phone.

'Who is it ?'Leon questioned Vilu 

' your mother (hahah) hello'

Phone conservation 

' Vilu did everything go as planned please tell me it did ' Leon štarty to laugh at his mothers reaction 

'Yes um ever- before she starts to say something Leon starts to speak ' hello mom ' with that saying leons mother had tears in her eyes and everyone starts to laugh with joy ' omg my son o my son i missed you so múch cant wiat to see you agian when are you guys leanding ' ' in about 2 hours ' vilu told her mother in law ' alright i cant wiat to see you bye' leonthea 'bye'

2hours 2 hours 2 hours 

The plán finally reached its destenation and all of them went out and striaght to Hermans house (knock knock ) when the door opened Oľga was there and when she saw Leon she hugged him so thightly i could not breath 'um yep - th-ats- t-he fam-ous Ol-ga h-ugg i m-issed so much ' everyone starts to luagh finally realised him and everyone went we the parents saw the kids Leons mother went hugged gently diffrent kind huge then Olgas. 

Then when everyone welcomed him Leon saw his beautful daghter that looks just like her mother but with his eyes he went and hugged her ' oh my littel angel' he siad with tears of joy Vilu watched it with a proud smile she kind not be any happier her lover is back her husband is back and the father of her children think tíme she swear that this will never happen agian she will Stand by his side forever no matter WHO she has to face her love towards Leon is stronger everyday and its getting bigger bigger and bigger 

3 months 3 months 3 months

In Hermans office

'WHAT no no no no no this cant be real could, could this real happen no no this has to be misunderstanding he could have killed her  no no no this cant be real what im suppes to do now ' i cant tell them they be deverstaded no no i cant ruín it i cant be the one to ruín it, could he really do that killed he really kill her.

The writer - WHO do you think his talkeing About WHO killed WHO tell me in the comments  tell me your guesses leta see Whos right bye bye for now

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