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Due to his powers, Saiki had always known what people were truly like

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Due to his powers, Saiki had always known what people were truly like. He was forced to listen to the delusional thoughts of Shun Kaidou or the narcissistic thoughts of Kokomi Teruhashi.

Because of this he was always able to understand what the people around him were like on a personal level. He was able to predict what others would do and why they do it.

To say this has ruined his life would be an understatement.

There were some exceptions, however. The first one being his "friend", Nendou, who was so dumb he couldn't hear his thoughts.

In Saiki's opinion Nendou was one of the biggest nuisances in his life. He annoyed him to no end.

However, the second exception is you.

But unlike Nendou he wasn't annoyed that he couldn't hear your thoughts. In fact, it made him like you more.

He couldn't hear your thoughts, Saiki had ruled out the idea that you were an idiot. In the few hours of class time you had, you had gotten every single question right and you didn't seem like the Nendou type too.

It wasn't like him care so much about this student he didn't know.

And yet, he did.

Maybe it was the fact he couldn't read your thoughts, or that aura of elegance and superiority you radiated that made his knees go weak.

He didn't know the answer and he was even more confused as to why he actually wanted to talk to you again.

"Finally, someone I don't want to punch in the face."

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The school bell rang throughout the classrooms and everyone rushed to the cafeteria.

Y/n was looking around for a seat when she felt a soft tap on her shoulder

"U-um hello M-Ms y/n! I-I'm the jet black wings!" A boy with soft, baby blue hair stuttered out. "But in this mortal body people just call me Shun Kaidou."

When Shun Kaidou first saw the girl walk into the classroom he had felt an absolute need to introduce himself. Her presence was so dominating he had forced himself to call her 'Ms'.

She didn't acknowledge or correct the title he had bestowed upon her and simply stared at him with a smile.

"It's nice to meet you, jet black wings." Her sultry voice spoke out.

A blush took over his face when he realised she had addressed him as the jet black wings. Nobody had ever played along with his fantasies. He was ecstatic that if, even for a second, someone believed him.

"I-I was wondering if y-you wanted to sit with me and my friends- I-I mean comrades! I have to protect you from the dark reunion, you know?" He squeaked out, eyes sparkling.

"I would love to sit with you and your comrades kaidou." Y/n answered. She stared directly into his eyes through her eyelashes. "Thanks for protecting me too, such a good dog,"

Kaidou's face burst out red at the praise. His brain didn't even comprehend how strange that sentence was as he just took her hand while stuttering and lead her to the table.

There at the table sat Riki Nendou and Kusuo Saiki.

Saiki was eating his beloved coffee jelly, he saw Kaidou bring you over to the table and he was slightly.. happy?

Well he would be if he didn't have to listen to kaidou's jumbled up thoughts.


Listening to kaidou's thoughts was going to give him a headache. He sighed and heard Nendou speak up.

"Hey runt why's your face so red? You look so stupid! Also who's your friend?"


Nendou put his hand up to his chin and let out an "oh yeah!"

Saiki groaned at his friends stupidity.

"A-Ah y/n this idiot is Nendou," Kaidou pointed at the tall boy who was picking his nose "and this is Saiki," he then pointed at the pink haired boy who looked uncharacteristically eager to meet her. Well as eager as he can be.

"Hello." Was all Saiki managed to say.

"Nice to see you again." Was all y/n said back.

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The cafeteria door opened and a bright glow lit up the room. A crowd of people immediately gathered near the door.

"Teruhashi is back!"

"Are you alright Teruhashi?"

"You should meet the new student Teruhashi!"

It was the perfect pretty girl, Teruhashi.

She had left earlier that day for a doctors appointment. Luckily she was fine.

She knew about the rumours of the new student and she had to introduce herself. She's the perfect pretty girl it's only polite she brightens up their life and gives them a reason to live!

"I can't wait to see the look on their face when I talk to them. I wonder how many times they will say "oh wow"

"Hello everyone, I'm fine don't worry about me. So where's the new student?"

"Oh she's over there with Saiki." The random student pointed towards the table the group was sat on.

Teruhashi froze and felt a massive amount of rage overtake her, until she turned her head to look at the girl. She felt the anger calmly wash away and get replaced by a blissful feeling.

Y/n cocked her head back and made eye contact with the glowing girl.

"Oh wow." was all Teruhashi could say.

ᴄᴏɴᴛʀᴏʟ - 𝘚𝘢𝘪𝘬𝘪 𝘬 𝘹 𝘮𝘢𝘬𝘪𝘮𝘢 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳Where stories live. Discover now