[ 하나 ]

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"Don't forget to miss me, xoxo ;)" Jungkook smiled while reading the letter after rolling it and gently stuffing it back into his pocket, looking ahead and saw Yoongi waiting for him standing right in front of the train, searching for his name. He sighed softly and walked to him dragging the luggage along.

Yoongi smiled at him and took steps towards Jungkook, putting one of his arms around his shoulder and messing with his hair as he whined while the other laughed in response, "Hyung. ." Yoongi's eyes brows arched together as he looked at him. "What? She isn't coming here to meet you, is she?" His cheeks turned pink and repeatedly shook his head while pouting, "Her parents won't allow, but she did sent me a letter yesterday." He lovingly watched him and walked the boy to the train, "So you didn't met her?"

"Um, unfortunately, no. I couldn't, but I hope I could. Since the day, I found out that our parents were planning to get you both married. .we haven't talked much. ." Yoongi inhaled after hearing the last words and gazed the other way, patting his back, as if he was lost of words.

Jungkook noticed this, and glanced at the train then back at his brother, still not facing him. "Hyung, is something wrong?" He flinched when Jungkook touched his arm and turned to him, clearing his throat.

"Jungkook, I think it's departure time! Hurry, come on or you'll miss this train!" Jungkook nodded and ran alongside Yoongi who held his luggage trolly in the other hand with a bag on his shoulder.

Yoongi helped Jungkook get to his seat and as soon as they reached, he beamed at him turning around. "Hah! Here you'll be sitting, now where should I put the luggage! Tell me, should I place this here or here! I know you are quite picky at these things sometimes since your teenage days, where should the luggage be placed—"

"Hyung. ."

"Or no, here. What if you are sleeping and the luggage falls over your face? I can't let that happen to your adorable bunny face! Will I—" Jungkook held his arms and managed to make him stop, whilst he just stood there. Lips parted and swallowed hard while eying something, his eyelashes faltered. "I'll miss you." Jungkook murmurs, tearing up, staring at Yoongi's face who didn't dared to look back at him—afraid that he might tear up as well. Jungkook's eyes were puffy from last night because of crying so much, but it wasn't in his control. He was forced to leave by his parents for good. To maintain a good distance, he was a distraction to them.

"Will you miss me, on this day always?" Yoongi didn't spoke, and stayed still on his space—not even looking at him. Jungkook knows how to make him weak, using that baby and small voice of his to make him feel pity.

"Gguk, you'll always be on my mind. You are my brother, even though—not biologically, I still love you so dearly. How would not miss you? Not on just this day; I'll miss you everyday, Kook." Jungkook's nose was stuffy as he trembled, controlling the urge to literally through himself on his hyung. "H-hyung—Gguk, stop making those ugly faces and crying like a teenager. You know, I'm not the person who likes to give those affection and comforting hugs." However, Jungkook pulled him into a bear hug and sobbed on his chest. "H-hyung, I don't want to. I want to leave, I don't feel alright. ." he continued.

"Gguk, take care of yourself." Yoongi muttered. His last hope was him and he denied as well. No one wanted to help him. "Remember that hyung loves you—I'm compelled." He whispered in his ear, as if someone was watching him and he sounded sorry.

The lad inhaled a deep breath and yanked Jungkook's arms off his shoulders, making his way out of the train, leaving a crying Jungkook who fell onto the seat, looking out of the window, waiting for him to arrive at least to wave at him for the last time.

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