Chapter 5

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"Damn it, Kashima! I told you not to be late!" An angry Hori shouted as he bolted towards a surprised Kashima before kicking her right in the ass and knocking her out cold. Leaving several other characters in shock as Mikoshiba turned towards Nozaki and Sakura. "It's a feat of strength."

"Violence!" Sakura shouted as the screen panned on an out cold Kashima.

Meanwhile, Army tankers of the 22nd Armored Battalion were having a good time enjoying the Anime, with a portion of the tankers having been of Japanese Origin who escaped during the Calamity. Despite Japan managing to survive the war and calamity, the entire country was in ruins, with all major cities having sustained major damage, areas becoming uninhabitable, and the once large island was now split into several small islands with the rising of ocean levels. Any civilians either fled by air or sea to their closest ally the United States, or to other areas they could find refuge, while the Japanese government was doing its best to keep the country together and to rebuild it.

Despite all that's happened, anime continued to be produced and shipped where ever it could reach out in the world, with Japan and America being the countries with the highest amount of anime and manga being produced.

In the office room of the barracks, Colonel Belleza was typing up a few documents and papers for the weekly report of his battalion to send to the higher-ups. While usually he would join in on watching anime with his men, today was not that day as he had a lot of paperwork to be done.

That was until his phone started ringing which he answered immediately. "This is Colonel Ronan Belleza of the United States Army, how can I help you?"

"Look out your window Colonel." A familiar voice said as the caller hanged up after, leaving Belleza to look out his window and see his caller. General Icarus was standing outside the barracks in his uniform while putting his phone away, looking Belleza dead in the eye through the glass...

...Belleza exited the barracks and stood face to face with the General before him. "General Icarus. Is there something going on?" He asked as it wasn't likely some General would just make an appearance for no good reason.

"Unfortunately there is Colonel. We just received a message from our embassy back in Iberia. They say they're under attack at their northern provinces and have called for our assistance."

"An attack? Who's attacking them?" Belleza asked as Icarus answered. "They're called the Grande Kingdom. Your battalion, along with several other assets are being called in to respond to the threat. Get your vehicles ready and transit to Joint Base Andrews. There you'll catch some C-5Ms awaiting your arrival to drop you off on Iberia."

"I understand sir." Belleza saluted as the General began to walk away from the barracks...

...Entering back inside the building, Belleza's men were still watching anime and having a good time before suddenly the TV turned off, with the Colonel holding the remote. "Aight fellas, break time's over! We're being deployed to Iberia to drive off incoming invaders! I want you all kitted and pack by ten! Make way for the motor pool and get your vehicles up and running! We'll be heading for the JBA!" Everyone got up from what they were doing and began putting food and drinks away, while also running to their bunks to fit on their fatigues and gear they wore during live operations. Strapping in their ballistics vests, helmets, and accessories they used on the field.

Belleza was the first one out after stashing away documents and paper and making for the motor pool where his tank and other tanks as well as a few IFVs and ICVs were stored. Lined up and parked under tarps, forty  M1A5 Abrams, ten M2A6 Bradleys, and six M1126 Strykers were stored and in use by the 22nd Armored Battalion. Before Belleza was his tank as it had two M2 Brownings in the CROWS instead of one, and had the name 'Hulking Mass of Steel' written on the bore evacuator.

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