Chapter 19

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"So it's official. We're finally at war with the Britannian Empire." President Kingsman said with a somber tone. However deep down he was smiling like a devil at current developments. He expected something like this to occur at some point. Now it was time to put those British wannabes back in their place.

"It would seem so Mr. President." The Vice President said as he was standing next to Secretary Keller who was in charge of mobilizing a sound military force to attack the Britannian island. "Should the public be addressed about this development?"

Kingsman nodded. "Of course. I'll give a public speech tomorrow to address them of our situation involving the events that took place yesterday. In the meantime, it's time we send our response and give this world a taste of our power."

The Vice President nodded and left, leaving the President and Secretary of Defense to discuss their course of action.

"Once again Keller," Kingsman started as he stood up and walked up to his window to look out at the city. "I have no doubt you'll be able to pull this off and achieve us another victory."

"You can count on it Mr. President. Permission to also field some of our newest assets for live field testing?"

"By all means go for it." Kingsman responded. "So long as we win I'm in favor of what your plans are."


A storm was coming, and with it the United States was fielding the biggest army since the beginning of World War III.

The first phase of the war was a massive retaliation in the form of an immense fleet of bombers to strike the enemy's production capabilities and other vital facilities to cut off their flow of weapons and equipment, starving their forces as the war drove on.

The second phase was to annihilate the remnants of their navy in harbor or patrolling their coasts. This task would fall under the US Navy with their new battleship leading the charge. The combination of sea and air power would be more than enough to wipe out Britannia's presence on the ocean for good, giving safe passage for ground forces to land.

The third phase was a full invasion of Britannia, accomplished by the Marine Corps and Army to land and advance inland. The Air Force would also join in using FOB Charlie and it's air base to launch their attacks. As the war went on, the Britannians would lose too much manpower and equipment that they would be unable to continue the war, forcing them to capitulate and comply with US policy and terms of surrender.

There were also rumors and evidence that rebellion was going on in Britannia's eastern territory. If true, the US would make an effort to contact these rebels and earn their cooperation to assist in the war effort.

The sky was abuzz with activity and noise as the sky was filled with large winged aircraft as they flew over the US mainland and northeast across the ocean to their designated target.

A massive bomber fleet consisting of a hundred B-52 Startofortresses, fifty B-21 Raiders, seventy B1B Lancers, and thirty escort fighters to defend against any air threats that Britannians may have in store waiting.

The Navy being sent was comprised of the USS Carl Vinson (CVN-70), USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN-78), USS Enterprise (CVN-80), USS America (LHA-6), USS Tripoli (LHA-7) USS San Antonio (LPD-17), USS New York (LPD-21), USS Anchorage (LPD-23), USS Zumwalt (DDG-1000), USS Michael Monsoor (DDG-1001), USS Lyndon B. Johnson (DDG-1002), twenty Sumter class cruisers, fifteen Ticonderoga class cruisers, fifty Arleigh Burke class destroyers, thirty Constellation class frigates, twenty five Army landing craft, USS Iowa (BB-61), USS Missouri (BB-63), USS Liberty (CVN-100), USS Donald J. Trump (CVN-101), and the USS Montana (BBG-67) leading the fleet.

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