A Can Of Ass Whoop Ass

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As Joe was walking home he encountered Steven Seagal
Seagal said
'whatsup, do I need to whoop your ass.
Damn you have a nice ass!'
'holy shit it's steven seagal, how are you doi-"
As Seagal puts Joe in a headlog with his sweaty thighs he shouted
'do you feel that, that's a life worth of training'
As he squeezed his thighs Joe is having more trouble breathing.
In my last gasp Joe shouted
'please Steven Seagal, I'm suffocating, let me breath'
He loosened up his bold thighs just enough so Joe can breath.
After 5 minutes being in this position he gave up.
As Joe stood up, Seagal said
'I smell you boy, your ass smells as fear boy, you should do something about it.'
So after a discussion Seagal said that Joe belongs in the "Mega Gay Zone" while Joe argues that Seagall belongs there because he sniffed Joe's as.
At the end of the discussion they gave each other a high five and continued with there day

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