Trouble In The West Wing ER

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As joe is walking he feels dizzy.
He suspects that it is because of the tussle with Seagal. So he passed out on the sidewalk on a beautiful sunset.
As he woke up he finds himself in a hospital bed.
John asks the nurse what happend
The nurse replies
"you fell and hit your head pretty bad, just stay the night and you will be good"
So as she leaves she puts a blueray into a blueray player and it was the movie drive.
Just as john waited eagerly for Ryan Gosling to enter the strip club for some drugs.

Kanye West walks in and cites the bible
'The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness'
'it's time to show your faith joe'
He said as he is slowly walking closer to the bed.
I felt the tention were high as if I could cut the air with a knife.
While he struggled to get me out of bed he said something again
'these are troubled times joe, you must seek salvation in the eyes of god, watch out for the woman you will encounter in the next few days, she could be your doom or salvation.'
As I tried to get a glimpse of the movie playing in the background he moves his face closer to Joe
'I have faith in you that you will do the right thing'
He said, then he kissed joe on the forehead and said that Drive as an awesome movie and gave joe a high five before kanye left the room in a hurry.
Joe continued to watch the movie and slept the night thru.
He left the hospital after filling in some forms and continued his day.
He is thinking about going to work because he could use a brake from al those encounters.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2021 ⏰

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