Rays secret

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Ray was sat on a long table with 20-30 kids and a woman with purple eyes, a sweet smile, apron on and a black dress say the words.

"Thank you for the food"

And then the children repeated after her with their hands grasped together, then after breakfast the lady called everyone to meet her at the front door and she had two children next to her, one a male with white hair and sky blue eyes, wearing the same white clothes as everyone else and there was a girl next to him with orange hair and emerald green eyes and was wearing the same thing except that she was wearing a skirt.

"This is Emma"the woman said looking at the girl
"And this is Norman"she said looking at the boy
"HI NORMAN AND EMMA"everyone almost shouted except Ray, instead he walked out of the room and sat down in the library only to be interrupted by a "HEY"
Ray stopped reading and turned to see Emma smile through the creak of the door
"You do know you can come in right? this will be your home for the time being"said Ray
"I know, I just didn't want to bother you"said Emma
"It's okay but where's that other kid uhm NORMAN that's right his name was Norman, do you guys know each other"said Ray
"No but I have talked to him"said Emma
"Okay, well do you know where your going"said Ray

Emma blushed out of embarrassment.

"M-m-maybe I do maybe I don't"said Emma
"Sigh come on"said Ray gesturing her to follow him
She then followed Ray to the bedroom filled with beds
"Your beds here"said Ray pointing at one that was closer to the door, Emma then lied down on it
"ITS SO SOFT"Emma said satisfyingly
"Yeah, anyway I need to go to the library so uhm glad I could help"said Ray about to close the door
"WAIT I'll come with you"said Emma
"Why? I mean I'm pretty much the weirdest person to hang out with"said Ray
"So? I don't care"said Emma
"Look I ju-"said Ray
"You don't want me to be around you"said Emma
"Oh I'm sorry"said Emma
"Sorry for what"said Ray
"I'm sorry for pressuring you like that"said Emma
"Look if you want to hang out with me you can"said Ray leaving the room with Emma behind him
Then Norman ran down the hall
"Are you okay Norman"said Emma
"Yeah I just don't know where the beds are"said Norman
"Don't worry it'll be in the next door you see"said Ray
"Oh hi I'm Norman, how come I didn't see you with everyone else"said Norman
"I don't usually talk to people so I left because I didn't know if I'd be comfortable"said Ray
"Oh well we're sorry if we made you feel uncomfortable"said Norman
"It's fine, look I was just about to go to the library if you're interested in joining"said Ray
"Sure, I don't see the problem with that"said Norman

Ray then kept on walking with the two behind him.

Norman POV:
He's different then anyone else, he's not really bothered a single bit and doesn't care if we are new here, hmmmm I'm sure we'll love him I just wonder what Emma thinks of him.

Emma POV:
I will love spending time with these two they seem really fun, well going to the library doesn't sound too fun but I think I can make him wait "him" AAAAAAAH I didn't ask what his name was, why am I such an airhead!?

"I never asked what your name was"said Emma
"Ray"he said
"Okay, well do you always stay at the library"said Emma
"No I go outside and sit under a tree, I help with dinner, I sometimes play tag with the others and-"said Ray
"You guys play tag"said Norman
"Yeah"said Ray
"Can we come back another time and play tag"said Norman
"Sigh okay let's go"said Ray
"Okay, hey Ray"said Emma
"Yeah"said Ray
"Thank you"said Emma
"Hm?"said Ray
"For helping me and Norman"said Emma putting her hand on his shoulder
Ray struggled to pull a smile but managed
"No problem, now come on"said Ray
They then went outside and saw all their siblings playing tag
"That looks fun"said Emma
"Then go and play with them"said Ray
"Yeah come on Emma"said Norman
Ray then sat under the tree
"Wait Ray aren't you coming?"said Emma
"No I don't usually play it"said Ray
Emma then crouched down
"Please can you play tag this one time"said Emma giving him puppy eyes
Ray gave her a darkened despair look
"Pleeeeeeease"said Emma
"Fine, but only one game"said Ray
"YAY"said Emma
Norman then tug Emma, Ray then looked at Emma
"Don't even think about it"said Ray

Emma then pounced at Ray but he dodged and sprinted to the forest with Norman behind him.

"Sorry, it's just that she was right in front of you and I really didn't want to be it"said Norman
Then Ray jumped onto a tree and started climbing and was on a branch and Norman hid in a bush. Ray tried getting higher but then
The force on Rays chest pressured his ribs while the ground got close and in a split second there was a loud crack.
He kept on screaming until he blacked out........... "RAY"................. "I'LL GET MOM"............ "RAY PLEASE WAKE UP"................

Then silence

Ray woke up in a bed with a caste around his chest and arm along with a worried Norman and Emma at the end of his bed.
"RAY!!! IM SORRY"yelled Emma trying to hide her face
"Ray I-"said Norman
"Don't be babies I'm fine"said Ray
"HEY IM NOT A BABY"said Emma
"Then stop sobbing"said Ray
"Sniffs jerk"said Emma
"I love you to, anyways what happened"said Ray
"You broke your arm and a rib, Mom was worried sick"said Norman
"I'm okay now"said Ray
The two of them then pulled him into a hug
"Guys I'm fi-"said Ray
"Shut up"Emma whispered


(BTW Emma Ray and Norman are 3 years old)

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