Chapter 8

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Chapter 8
(Thank you all for reading {♥️Love That is True, can Withstand the Test of Time♥️.} You're 266 views mean the world to me. It makes me feel so immensely happy that so many of you are giving my book a read. Thank you, once again. You're the best and I love you all! Alright, enough of this mushiness, let's get on with the story.)

*******************4 Months Later
Third Person P.O.V
It had been 4 months since Neji and Shikamaru had confessed their feelings to each other. It had altogether been 6 months and 2 weeks since Sasuke and Naruko found their wives cheating on them.

With the Village Hidden in the Leaves, along with the 4 other major Hidden Villages being peaceful and allied to one another Sasuke and Naruko decided that they were going to talk it out with their friends and family. They were going to tie the knot that would forever bind them together as husband and wife.

This decision had been in their minds for a long time, but because they felt it wasn't time yet, they had never spoken about it. Now though, they felt that everything was perfect and they wished to become family.

They went off to talk to their families to arrange everything for the wedding that would soon take place.

Sasuke P.O.V
It had been 6 months and 2 weeks since everything had first happened. It felt like everything had happened yesterday. Time had definitely flown by, but I honestly wasn't complaining.

I had been thinking about doing this. This, being me proposing to my Dobe for about 3 months now and I can say with confidence that I had absolutely no confidence that she would accept my proposal. Though if there's one thing I learned from my Usuratonkachi, it's that I should never give up and I'm not giving up just because I'm frightened of her rejecting me. I haven't asked and she hasn't answered.

With that pep talk over and feeling a bit more confident in myself, I grabbed my stuff and left, locking the door behind me on my way out. Without missing a beat, I started the trek to my nii-san's home to talk to him about proposing to the girl of my dreams.

Arriving at my nii-san's home, I walked up to the front door, slid my key out of my flak-jacket pocket, inserted the key into the keyhole and unlocked his door. Pushing it open I stepped inside and took off my sandals while I called out for him.

"Nii-san are you home?" My voice echoed throughout his apartment. I went straight to the living room and sat down on the sofa.

Not even 5 minutes later and I heard his footsteps heading in my direction. "Yes, I'm here otouto. What is it?"

Looking up at him with stars in my eyes, I throw myself into his arms. I know I'm 24 years old, but I can't help it. I love my aniki and that fact won't ever change.

Caught off guard by my sudden action, he sways a bit before steadying himself and me. Rubbing my hair, he hugs me back just as tight. After 5 minutes, he lets go and pokes me in the forehead like he used to when I was still just a kid. "I love you too, foolish little brother." He smiles at me and I smile back.

"Nii-san, I have to talk to you. It's very important." I say with all the seriousness I have. Catching on, he becomes serious as well.

"Okay, before you start talking let me get some drinks and tomatoes for you. We can discuss, while we eat. Sound good?" He asks me as he heads into the kitchen.

Nodding my head at him, he smiles and walks off into the kitchen. I hear him busying around and while he's occupied in making us beverages and snacks, I'm occupied by my thoughts of marriage, blonde Dobes' and my little princess.

'Okay, so I obviously know what I'm going to do for the food, but what I don't know is what I should do as the theme for the wedding, arrangements and the design for the clothes. Maybe I should consider talking to... Duh, that's obviously why I'm here'! I start conversing with myself mentally, before scolding myself for that stupid thought at the end.

I must've been in La-La Land longer than I thought, because when I finally snapped out of it, my brother was in front of me looking like I had some mental problem and needed a Psychiatrist. He looked so funny I just had to laugh, so I did. He only looked at me more weirdly and that made me laugh even harder.

"Hahaha, nii-san *laugh* you should *laugh* see the *laugh* look on *laugh* your *laugh* face." I say while trying to breathe, because of my laughter. Ten minutes later and my laughing fit is gone. "Also, before you ask; no I'm not mental and I don't need therapy. Thank you very much." I tell him oh so calmly.

"Uh huh... Sure." He says rolling his eyes at me, while sounding suspiciously skeptic. I roll my eyes back at him in a pathetic attempt to retaliate and become serious once more.

"So what I wanted to talk to you about..."

"Yeah, what is it?" He asks as he puts the tea down on the table and hands me two big, red, juicy and ripe tomatoes. Then, he takes a seat on the couch across from the sofa that I'm sitting on.

Feeling my eyebrow twitch at his interruption, I take a sip of my tea before I once again open up my mouth. "As I was trying to say before you interrupted me", I grit out between clenched teeth and severe eye rolls "is that I have something important to talk to you about..."

"You've repeated that sentence more times than I can count. Why don't you say something new?" He asks me, clearly trying to be funny and failing miserably.

"Hardy har har", I sarcastically laugh. "Now if you'd be so kind as to actually 'shut the FUCKING hell up', I could continue with what I so obviously want to say." I practically growl in his face. Breathing in I lower my head. My hair covered my eyes, as a sweet smile formed on my lips. "Interrupt me one more time and you will not like the consequences." I lift my head back up and say all to innocently to not be a threat. Judging by the way his eyes widened in slight shock and fear, gulped and nodded so fast he looked like a pecking chicken, I would say my threat did the trick.

'Good, now he won't try and interrupt me for fun again', I thought as a slight mischievous grin formed on my lips. "Going back to what I was saying, I have something very important to talk to you about, aniki."

"Oh and what would that be?" He asks me curiously and with a slight knowing look hidden in his eyes.

Knowing that that familiar glint in his eyes meant nothing good. Especially when it was directed at me, I decided to act like I didn't see it. Thus I ignored it and continued on. "Anyway, I want to propose to Naru and I would like your help. My question for you, Itachi is this: will you help me with getting everything I may or may not need for this proposal set up and ready?" I asked him, knowing full well that if I didn't outright ask, he wouldn't bother to lift a finger to help.

Putting on a thinking pose just to mock me, he decides to slowly open his mouth and tease me. Getting impatient, but not outright showing it; I feel my right eyebrow twitch in absolute annoyance at him and his pathetic attempt at stalling.

"Hmm......... I've decided to................"

Cliffhanger folks, please don't kill me 🙏. I thought it would be a fun way to end this chapter 😭😭 👉👈. Sorry for the very late update, but my creativity for this chapter just wasn't there. It's the reason this chapter's so much shorter than all it's counterparts. I promise to make my next chapter longer. Until next time. Ja'ne.

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