Chapter 1

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A/N: Quick authors note before we start this story:

This is a remake of the old story I did: Days Gone By. Since, unfortunately, I couldn't continue the story because of a whole lot of reasons, I decided to remake this into JUST about Luke and little bit of Zander. Now the synopsis looks like it's based of of the music: Little Miss Perfect, or most likely the boy version: President Perfect XD

Well, with that being said, enjoy this remake!:

"LUKE, STOP!" My precious crush crouched to the floor where his boyfriend was laying.

I was there... I was ready to fight, I clenched his fists hard, but with my crush tears rushing down through my face, I was unable to continue my deed. Part of me wondered why I did this in the first place...

Seeing the tears in my Zander's eyes...wanted me to stop.

Zander sniffed. "Luke, please. I promise everything will be back to they were before...J-just you and me."

But do I really want that?

"Zander, I--"


"Hey, Luke!"

I turned my gaze to a peach haired boy. I shook my head and tightened my right hand grip onto the table. On the left side, I  scratched my head.

"I-- uh... what?"

"Luke, are you okay?"

I looked down, then to Jake. "Of course I am! Why wouldn't I be?"

As a matter of fact, I wasn't alright. I wasn't alright at all. I was never alright. Why?

My mom and dad keep arguing about me. I want to get out of my house as soon as possible. On top of that, my long childhood crush is with someone else--and now, there was no possible excuses for me to go anywhere other than house because it's technically not a 'home.'

I looked towards a purple- ombre haired boy with a purple blazer who was laughing and blushing with a boy playfully; with slightly the same height as him- but shorter. My heart shattered a million pieces. I wish I was his boyfriend...

But, that would ruin my reputation and, I don't want that.

Jake, my friend in English class- not necessarily a friend you call 'best friend'; but that one friend you would say hi to when you're on hour way to your classes-- he would always help me in times of work. Even though he was late and doesn't get work done and he's best friends with the person who stole my crush from me and Jake doesn't even know.

"Honestly, you keep zoning out a lot. I can tell you're not at your best today," Jake rested his hand on his cheek. "Do you want me to tell Ms. Jones your not feeling well so you can go home?"

He's right.

I never get zoned out in this class. English class was one of my most favorite classes- not because it was easy, but because of the people in it. The bad thing is, almost all of them think I'm smart and that I'll have a good life and future since I get A's in almost every grades in my classes. That may be true, but my life wouldn't be great if Zander wasn't around. And now that he isn't, my life has completely drowned.

"No!" I could tell Jake was surprised by my sudden outburst. I try to smile and gave him a chuckle. "I-I mean... I'm fine. It's just that...I've been having a hard time with things lately. I'll be good, though!"

Jake didn't look like he believed me. He was about to say something when our teacher made a final announcement and it was time to go home.

The peach haired boy sighed.

Days Gone By (TMF Fanfic Remake) Where stories live. Discover now