BeeDuo Goes Ghost Hunting

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"Why are we doing this again?" Toby asks Mark, standing in front of the LaSalle Hotel in Bryan, Texas. At night. In the dark.

"You're the one who wanted to prove me wrong," Mark replied.

"Well yeah but I-"

"Didn't think it would be this dark?" Mark interrupts the shorter boy." "Yeah me neither. But we're already here. So we might as well go inside." The two 17 year olds headed into the lobby of the hotel. Toby was the shorter of the two, having a height of about 5'6, while Mark was 6'6. The funny thing was, Toby was more extroverted than Mark. When the boys got into the lobby they were a little surprised.

"Oh." Toby said. "This doesn't actually look like the dump I thought it would. Wow." Mark turned to look at the shorter boy.

"You know you don't actually need to diss this place."

Toby looked up. "Yeah I know!" Mark pinches the bridge of his nose and sighs.

"Why am I not surprised? Anyways, You know why we came here, right?"

"To get rid of this so-called ghost, right?" Mark nods

"Yeah. I'm surprised you actually paid attention to that."

Toby looks back at Mark, feigning a hurt expression. "I do listen to you sometimes! But c'mon! What's the story with this ghost?" Toby drags Mark over to a couch and sits down. Mark sighs and sits down next to him ready to explain.

"Okay. Well the story is, about 80 years ago, a girl named Felicia McKinney was found dead in her hotel room. She was found with a knife in her stomach and died of blood loss."

"Like that girl from Danganrompa?" Toby asks, his British accent worked against him in trying to pronounce the word.

"It's Danganronpa actually." Mark corrects. "And yeah, kind of like her." Toby stands up from the couch and walks over to touch a lamp.

"Well who killed her then?"

Mark shrugs. "I don't actually know. Her murderer was never caught. Maybe if she speaks to us tonight we can get an answer and solve her case!"

Toby turns around with a deadpan expression. "Like that will happen. And her case was 80 years ago, right? If they hadn't caught the killer by now, he's probably already dead so it's useless anyways."

"Well the more evidence of paranormal activity I can get, the better. We're going to at least try and get something out of this."

"What happens if we get nothing?" Toby asks.

"If we get nothing? Then you were right this time, and we flew all the way over to Texas for nothing. So let's hope we get something so this trip wasn't a waste of time." Mark grabs Toby's hand and walks over towards the closest stairwell. 

"First we're gonna check the second floor. There has been some reported activity in the pool area." As Mark and Toby walk up the stairs, their microphones bob on their shirts, catching steps and the creaking staircase. Once they reach the second floor, it goes quiet. 

"Wait, Toby. Did you hear something?" Mark whispers.

"No? Why, did you hear something?" Toby replies. Mark nods.

"Yeah I did. It sounded like whistling, mixed with a groan. I also might have heard someone telling us to shush." Toby looks at him again.

"It could be a thousand different things before it's a ghost."

"I know I know. Let's set up the motion detector at this staircase and continue up to the third floor to use the spirit box." Toby, still recording, rolls his eyes but sets down his backpack to take out the motion detector and turns it on.

"Alright, boss man. Let's go find us a ghost." Mark and Toby go back up the stairs.

"The room is right here." Mark says, as the two get to room 302. The boys go inside the room and look around at the walls.

"This room's practically empty." Toby states.

"Let's hope it stays that way" Mark mutters. Mark grabs the spirit box and turns it on, a loud static immediately erupting from the machine. The teens groan at the loud sound until Mark turns down the volume. "Okay Felecia. I know you're here. You can talk to us now." Mark says to the empty room.

A broken hello is heard from the spirit box, which made Toby jump. "Yeah, not so funny now, huh Toby?" Mark chuckles.

"Oh shut up dude." Toby playfully shoved Mark's arm. "Alright Miss. Ghost. Are we cool with you?" Nothing. Just static. "Alright, well do you want to kill us for revenge for being murdered."

From the spirit box both boys came a broken 'Yes, Toby' "Yo what?" Both boys looked frightened. "You know what, we're out of here!" Toby and Mark ran around the hall, accidentally missing the staircase once. When the two finally got down the staircase, for good measure they shouted "Bye, Felicia!" They ran out of the lobby, and down to the nearest gas station where they bought slushies.

"You know what? I believe you. Ghosts are real." Toby said, while slurping on his slushie.

"Yeah." Mark said. "You see what I mean now?"

"Yep." Toby and Mark just sat on a bench and drank their slushies. "I bet Tommy's glad he didn't come with us, huh."

"Yep." Both boys just slurped on their slushies, tired from the day.

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