1. Savior

774 17 19

Kayi Tribe

"Call Halime daughter in the tent." Suleyman Şah ordered to the Kayi alps as he settled himself on his Beylic chair.

His son Gundogdu, Gundogdu's wife Selcan, Selcan's sister Gokçe, Suleyman Şah's wife Hayme Hatun and most importantly his second son Ertugrul were standing by his sides and four Selcuk State soldiers infront of him with an Emir leading them.

According to the Emir, Sultan of Selcuk State Sultan Allaudin Keykubad have sent them and ordered them to bring the girl living in Kayi Tribe back to his palace, stating that she is really important.

Suleyman Şah considered it better to ask the girl who's name is Halime, whereas her identity is still a doubt for everyone.

Suleyman Şah's second...well technically third son Ertugrul went for hunt few days ago but brought this beautiful, doe eyed girl to the tribe after he saved her from Crusaders who were after her. She was alone and injured in a forest so Ertugrul considered it better to take her tribe instead of leaving her in the same danger again.

Ertugrul believed Halime from the start maybe that's why he trusted to keep her in the tribe as long as he could, even after she recovered. Although she tried to run away a several times and also decline about telling her identity yet Ertugrul knew that there is some genuine reason behind it. He always saved her from the upcoming danger towards her because he believed her more than anything. Her eyes doesn't carries lies, betrayal or hate but beauty, innocence, purety, and love......??

The way she talks, the way she smiles, the way her eyes shine, Ertugrul was already fallen for Halime. He met her a few days ago but he knew she is the one for whom he had been waiting for so long.

Halime have kept her identity secret, but the way Crusaders are still searching for her told Ertugrul that she is someone really special. Well for him she already was really special but beside from all those secrets Ertugrul loved her and wanted to protect her at any cost.

Infront of Ertugrul is standing Selcan and Gokçe. Well Selcan and Gokçe have some problem with Halime. They are always against that girl maybe because they know that she is better than her.

Gokçe have loved Ertugrul since her childhood but the love have always been one sided. Ertugrul have always made it sure to Gokçe that he never wants to marry her and he looks at her as his sister.

As Halime made her entrance in the tribe Gokçe have been carrying some insecurity around and doing every possible ways to either hurt or disrespect Halime but it was impossible because Ertugrul is always beside Halime to protect her and fight for her. Well that hit Gokçe alot.

As the silence in the marquee continued as everyone waits for Halime to arrive, Ertugrul recalls the beautiful yet lucky day he met Halime.

Haydir!! Ertugrul shouted as he rode his horse Aktolgali in the forest with his most trusted friends like brothers Turgut, Doğan and Bamsi. The four were out of tribe for hunt.

Ertugrul gestures everyone to stop as he hears some leaves crunching sound making them aware they are near their hunt.

Climbing off his horse, Ertugrul takes his bow and arrow and walks forward deeper in the forest. After a minute or so a really beautiful baby gazelle comes in his sight. Ertugrul smiles over finding his hunt and adjust his arrow and take his target. Just when the arrow was about to leave the bow and hit the gazelle, comes someone strange noises.

The gazelle ran away and Ertugrul feels more concerned about the noises. He walks towards the forest getting closer to the strange noises. He tightens his grip on his sword taking baby steps. Lightly and carefully.

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