5. Deciding

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"We can't lose her!" Said Gundogdu with a pressure, staring right through his brother's soul who was sitting opposite to him.

Suleyman Şah invited his sons to his tent after dinner to have a discussion about the event that happened that day.

Halime's words were in Ertugrul's mind ringing again and again.

"The Halime you are looking at now..... will die when she will return to that palace."

"It's a torture!"

"It's a prison, a cage, a dungeon keeping me locked inside."

"I can't sacrifice my life for politics!"

She definitely don't want to go back. She considered Ertugrul as her last hope and chance, the only one who can help her and stop the mess about to happen or in worst or the best, take her away.

She hated her life in that palace. She was just not happy there. Ertugrul couldn't stand watching her like that, tied, hopeless, unhappy. She didn't deserved to be any of that.

She trusted Ertugrul cause he understood her. His eyes spoke love and believe to her. She loved him and believed him too. Now there's Ertugrul trying to indirectly tell his father and brother, how that palace is not a place for her and she would be pressured to do so much stuff, that's against humanity.

Gundogdu obviously went to speak opposite Ertugrul, thanks to Selcan.

"Abi! She don't want to go back. Who deserve to live their life controlled by someone else?"

Obviously Gundogdu can because Selcan is controlling his life but Ertugrul didn't had the courage to say it out aloud infront of their father even though he would totally and for surely agree.

"Baba?" He questioned now looking at his father seeking for some answer.

"She is a human!"

"But she is different than us normal people Ertugrul!! She is..."

"Royalty? That she is born to wear crown made of gold, live in a palace with strong tall walls and sleep on a luxurious bed." Ertugrul repeated Halime's exact same words and immediately grinned when a flashback of her saying exact same words with exact same expressions, passed through his eyes. He continued after sensing only silence.

"And to be tied with a man for the rest of her life, whom she didn't even met. Can we imagine such thing happening to any of us?"

Ertugrul came to a stop when this father gestured. He threw his hands up and then folded them on his chest. He was getting quite aggressive at the point. Everyone in the tent knew Ertugrul's feeling towards Halime and that was now becoming one hell of a problem.

Ertugrul isn't one to let go of his feelings and the one whom he loves.

"Ertugrul! Gundogdu! I've heard both of you. Now calm down."

Gundogdu looked away and Ertugrul took deep breaths.

"You both are right in different manners. I understand both of you well." He continued. "Halime Sultan.... is Sultan's daughter, he entrusted her with us. He believe us and allowed her to live here."

"All three of us here knows about politics and how important part marriages play in unity between two states. Sultans.... their parents.... their children... their fate are sealed like that. They don't get much options."

"Halime kiz stood for herself well and put her condition in front of Sultan and she'll get the response soon from Sultan. She don't want to get married, she don't want her life to get ruled and she have all rights to live her life and marry someone whom she wants."

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