[ move on ]

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One week later after that day, Hoseok went back to work after his day off and everything went well, Taehyung distanced himself, he stopped making Hoseok feeling uncomfortable, they talk about work only, no hard feeling seems like everything went back to what it was.

Hoseok was packing his stuff and turning off his computer before leaving, they had to overwork, so it was quite late, one of the chiefs of another section invited them to all eat and drink together with their section, Hoseok agreed and walked with his coworkers, Taehyung came along as well, they got there and began chatting at long table altogether, one of the coworkers asked Taehyung:" you are so good looking man we all thought you are model at first!!" He grinned:" thank you." The coworker continued:" I guess you have a beautiful girlfriend since you are good-looking." Hoseok glanced at Taehyung and saw him hesitating to answer:" I'm single, actually." He looked at Hoseok and took a sip of his drink.

They were all surprised, and kept the chat going on about dating and whatsoever until they mentioned now Hosoek who almost choked on his drink when he heard his name:" w-what?" He asked, the coworker said:" Hoseok you said before that you are bisexual didn't you? " Hoseok eyes enlarged...

Hoseok:" i- I have never said that..." Another coworker spoke:" dummy that's me not him!! "
The other responded:" oh right it's Sung-min my bad sorry Hoseok." He continued:" so are you dating anyone you have quite many options ?" Sangmin:" I think the topic of dating is so old isn't it? You are making everyone uncomftobale, some don't like to talk about their private life, some didn't get the luck to meet the right one, some are healing from breakups, like be creative more with your questions if you wanna the conversation to stay alive. "

Taehyung grinned and held a laugh and so does the others as if Sangmin spoke for everyone.
They then continued talking about other things, Hoseok then excuses himself to go out for fresh air, few minutes Taehyung followed him, Hoseok was resting in the alley, Taehyung approached him:" are you okay?" Hoseok glanced at him:" yeah, I just don't like crowded places but I have to fit in."
Taehyung leaned on the wall:" I kno- ...if you aren't feeling good, I will cover for you and you can go."

Hoseok:" I know this weird to say but sometimes I feel you are following me to protect me... Haha." Taehyung's heart throbbed:" I know you made it clear last time that you don't wanna remember me, but I want you to know that I will be here to protect you, to be anything you need." Hoseok sighed:" thank you." Hoseok walked by him:" I will go home can you cover for me?" Taehyung didn't want that moment to end, he wanted to spend more time with Hosoek... Just one more:" Do you want me to take you home it's so late?" Taehyung begged Hoseok thought before responding:" okay."

They excused themselves and left, Hoseok was quiet on the ride, and Taehyung didn't know what to say, so he just played the song { As the world caves in - Sarah Cothran }

Which made them emotional, Taehyung was almost tearing up biting on his lower lip so hard....Hoseok was looking at the window the whole time he sighed:" can you pull over here?"

Taehyubg looked over his shoulder:" But we are not there yet?" Hoseok:" yeah I know, but it's for the better I will walk home from here it's not that far." Taehyung narrowed his eyebrows, he was confused:" did I do something?" Hoseok:" I don't know... But this fucking song and your expression, my heart is aching... And I want to kiss you so bad for no reason."

Taehyung pulled out so fast, heart beating crazily:" Hoseok..." He mumbled
Hoseok wanted to open the door but it was locked:" open it please..." He pleaded
Taehyung grabbed his hand:" kiss me Hyung.. Please..."
Hoseok glimpsed at him on that expression, those nostalgic eyes, those parted rosy lips, and redden cheeks how can he say no? He pulled him by his necktie and kissed him hungrily, Taehyung kissed him back starving for those lips biting and sucking the sweetness of them, holding hoseok's face with his large sweet hands, he traveled one hand to Hoseok's waist and pulled him closer and the elder moaned on the younger lips, they broke the kiss, huffing and puffing with clots connecting their lips, Hoseok then got a blurry flashback of his memory, he was on the ground and there was a lot of blood and Taehyung running towards him, His head started spinning and got a headache on one side, Taehyung worried eyes he asked:" Are you okay...? Hyung?"

Hoseok closed his eyes and returned to his seat:" drive me home..."
Taehyung:" did you hate it?"
Hoseok brutal honesty:" yes, we shouldn't, I shouldn't, I'm sorry but I don't wanna remember a shit of what happened and I just had a glimpse of it and I can't... I just can't ... I would lose my shit... And I don't wanna go back to the hospital... I don't wanna be surrounded by therapists asking me 100 questions so just leave me..."

Taehyung looked out the window, hands shaking, heart aching:" I apologize, this gonna be the last time... I will move on... I will work on moving on for your sake Hyung."

He drove him home and didn't look at him when he was leaving and drove from there aggressively and as fast he could, Hoseok stood there:" I'm sorry..."

He then heard steps coming from behind:" Hoseok?"

Hoseok turned around:" yoongi, what are you doing here?" They walked in together.
Yoongi:" I was buying ice cream, um. ..are you okay? You know you can tell me if anything happens.
Hoseok hiding his swollen lips with his hand:" haha, why so sudden, I know don't worry I'm totally fine."

The next day, Hoseok arrived to work and saw everyone whispering so he asked one of his coworkers:" what happened?"
He replied:" oh, Taehyung is changing the section, he will switch with the supervisor of section C, he said nothing went wrong but that is what the director wants."
Hoseok wondered between himself:" how could he just change the section easily? He must be close to the director or something, well I know he is changing because of me, but it's for the better...right?" Taehyung was packing his box and passed by Hoseok and didn't even look at him, When Hoseok remarked Taehyung hand in bondage... His heart ached:" did he hurt himself?" He gaped between himself.

Weeks have passed and just like Hoseok wanted, everything went like how things were before, he didn't talk with Taehyung ever since that night, they bumped into each other a few times on the elevator but Taehyung kept his promise he didn't look or spoke with him.

At the lunch, Hoseok noticed that Taehyung is using the cafeteria and he sits at the table of his section, he also observed how he is laughing and smiling and God he looks even more attractive with his boxy smile, then he saw Sangmin beside him... Is he laughing because of him? Wait why I'm bothered?? It's better... It's much better, he looked sad around me anyway...

He didn't feel like eating anymore, so he went to the restroom to wash his face, when he was there Sangmin walked in, he washed his hands and put on his chapstick, then his phone rang so he answered, Hoseok was drying his face so he overheard their conversation.

Sangmin:" I can't tonight I have plans, yeah I will be late, I will go drink with someone, omg yeah the one I told you about last week, yeah I invited him and surprisingly he said yes, okay will talk to you about details later, bye." He hang up and checked himself on the mirror one more time and left.

Hoseok legs start weakening for no reason, he went back to his desk, biting on his thumb and shaking his leg, he then looked at his phone and saw his lips on the reflection and start gasping he can't get away from the feelings of Taehyung's lips off his mind... " stop it please, stop thinking, why I'm acting so selfish and toxic right now ?? He is not mine and what happened that time was a mistake so stop it Hoseok wake up to the reality." He assured himself.

After work, Hoseok got on the elevator and when it opened on the next floor Taehyung and Sangmin got in, Hoseok "fuck." Cursed under his breath.

Sangmin:" as I was saying, it's really decent bar you will like it, it's calm just how you like it, you hate crowded places right?" Taehyung nodded.

Hoseok couldn't take it anymore something was burning inside him, something want to stop Taehyung from going...

[ To be continued ]

Vote and Comment will motivate me if I should continue it so let me know, please.

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