Foxy x Clowny {Infected}

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Clowny's P.O.V.
Gazing down from my carnival platform, I looked at Foxy below me, who was ready to catch me. Holding onto one of the poles, I got nervous.
"Hey, Foxy, I dunno if this trick is a good idea anymore...It's high up, and, I'm scared might break something or someone." I messed with the sleeve of my blue jumpsuit.
"I thought you were the creator of this brilliant idea." He said, crossing his arms. I nodded, still scared. He reached out his arms above his head and smiled. "Don't worry! I'll catch you!" His sharp smile stayed on, and I stepped a little closer to the edge, not wanting to go through with my "brilliant" plan. I stepped backward, and then ran to the edge, jumping off. The wind blew in my face, as I felt my stomach turn. I never jumped off of that platform before. I was shaking the whole way down. Foxy raised his arms further and caught me. He spun with me in his arms, hugging me tightly. I hugged him, shaking from the fall. He laughed and hugged me more. Even though it was the middle of the infection, we still need to have fun. I giggled and hugged him back. The midnight moonlight shined down from the tent entrance onto us. We laughed and played for hours, up until 5 am. When 5 am hit, we heard the barricade we set up get shot down. Foxy's ears went up, as both of us quickly stood. I started to shake in fear, as I saw a group called "T.S.P" walk into the carnival.
"Shh. Come on, Clowny." Foxy grabbed my wrist and started to quickly run across the carnival, looking for a place to hide. We got to the cages before we were met by an orange cat holding a shovel blocking our way. Her name was Kitty, as Foxy was telling me about it around 5 days ago. The leader, Willow Wolf, came up behind us and held her gun at us. I hid behind Foxy, and he blocked me against the fence, away from them. Soon, other T.S.P members showed up and surrounded us. A horse named Pony grabbed Foxy and forced him on his knees. I backed up and flipped over the fence. I tried to run, but Kitty grabbed the back of my clown jumpsuit. I fell on my backside, kicking and yelling. I looked at Foxy, terrified. Foxy glared at Willow, as she walked over to him.
"Foxy, The Amazing Foxy." She smirked and held a green potion in her hands. "You caused a lot of trouble. Consider this karma." Willow knelt to him, and Felix and Baren held his legs down when he tried to kick her. Foxy struggled, as Willow grabbed his neck and forced him to choke on the potion. I saw drips of liquid gently fall down the corner of his mouth. I kicked, trying to get to him. I cried, terrified. As soon as all of the potion was in his mouth, Pony dragged him to the cage, with a disapproving look on his face. He threw Foxy in and locked the door. Willow came over to me and knelt to me too.
"And you must be Clowny." She got out another potion and grabbed my mouth. "Don't worry." A smile evilly appeared on her face. "You can join him." The realization hit me all too quickly, as I started to kick and thrash around.
"Don't be so difficult!" She kept trying to force the potion in my mouth, but I kept struggling and closing my mouth. Eventually, she growled in anger. She raised her gun above her head, and smacked me with it, knocking me out cold.
When I woke up, I was in the cage with Foxy. His infected eyes stared down at me. I stood up quickly and backed to the wall of the cage. I didn't take my eyes off him, as I saw him crawl over and stare at me. He hugged me tight, and I heard him speak.
"They made you drink it. You're infected now." His voice was sorrowful and upsetting. I hugged him, trying to comfort him. Foxy stared at the ground, sad. I kissed his cheek, making sure he knew he wasn't alone. He smiled and hugged back.
"At least I'm infected with you."

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