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Hi i would like to do a shoutout to those who supported me! 😆

1. helloashhh 💖

2. famelynodi33 💖

3. jichury (A/n The best supporter 😆) 💖

4. fljrs2021 💖

5. My queen, -queenvioletsmile
(A/n check her stories! They're a bop!) 💖

6. ApurvaBandivadekar2 💖

7. PriteeKhandave 💖

8.Vsoo_sookook 💖

9. -bunchberry 💖

10. Karendesu 💖

11. TeiEjw  💖

I know there are more, but these are the only users that got into my notifications.

So... if you want a shout-out vote quickly!


I will forever be grateful to you for your help.

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