Chapter 4: Red alert

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I still hate my final year project supervisor. Anyway, I'll post this chapter for this holiday. Enjoy~

Somewhere in the US...

A sleeping patient named Henry, finally woke up from his half year coma, heartrate slowly but steadily increasing due to him walking up. The doctors in change of him were immediately alerted. They rushed to the ward, hoping vehemently that it was not a complication arising. The patient was of high importance to the government and it was unacceptable to lose such a person on their watch!

When they reached the ward, along with an entourage of nurses bringing along any equipment that they could obtain to prepare for a life-threatening situation, the doctors' attention zoomed in immediately onto the heartrate monitor. There, they noticed that the monitor had a gradually increasing heartbeat.

As the doctors look on, slowly shifting their attention from the various medical equipment to the patient's face, they noticed a slight twitch from the patient's closed eyelids. A redhead doctor headed straight to the patient to take a closer look, her small entourage of residents behind her, while the rest studied the various monitors which displayed the patient's body's situation. While closing up on the patient to do her usual part in checking the patient, the patient's eyes abruptly fluttered open briefly, quickly closing in a few short seconds. The head doctor who was beside her, saw this scene and was ecstatic!

"Call Sergeant Major Burks! The survivor is finally waking up!" The Head Doctor of the intensive care unit exclaimed in a low voice. All the other doctors looked up from their tasks and clapped and cheered in soft voices- loud notices in this area was a big NO no, after all. If they accidentally scared the patient into shock due to their loud noises, they may not be able to bear the cost due to being sued.

They were in the ICU, and most patients in the ICU requires a calm environment to recuperate or risk complications. Complications which the doctors are not willing to bear.

"So, we getting a hefty pay this month right, Mr. Rory!?" Kathy, a nurse from the emergency department, excitedly asked the Head Doctor of the intensive care unit.

Head Doctor Steve Rory replied, "Of course! There is even an agreement written. Furthermore, Sergeant Major Burks himself has visited this patient! Also, I've heard that there is an increasing cases of people lost in the Amazon." Head Doctor Rory went near to the other doctors and whispered, "I even heard that last month, there were 2 platoons that has gotten missing while scouting the area, so there is no way that such an important lead will be ignored!" The other doctors sucked in a sharp breath of air.

A slim resident with brown hair at the back of the entourage, worriedly muttered to his friends in a frightened tone, "I better tell my family not to go near that area! Especially my aunt Lucille! She lives near that area and likes to go for walks in the forests near her house... I hope that she's alright..."

His friends who are also residents looks at him sympathetically.

Head Doctor Rory had coincidentally eavesdrop on what the resident said. Since he was in a good mood, and there was no immediate emergency, he said to the brunette resident. "You there with the brown hair, since you need to make an urgent phone call to your aunt, go then. So that you are not carrying that load of worry while you work. If that happens, then we seniors might need to work overtime now, don't we?" He joked. The doctors and nurses in the room snickered.

The resident's eyes lit up in gratefulness, "Thank you, Head Doctor Rory!" He then dashed out of the intensive care area as quickly as he could by walking.

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