Chapter 14: Sung Technologies

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So... in this world, Samsung is mainly owned by Sung Eun-Seok. Facebook on the other hand would be partially controlled by a Seer called Thalia AKA Seer 1 in the demigod groupchat. Lee MinHoon is president of the Lee Group which specializes in plastic manufacturing and supermarkets.

At this point, my brain decided that ahhhh too much info to include and was also yelling, why the hell isn't there a note book to keep tract of the world building. Then, I was like, yeah, don't have the attention span for that soo... well, hopefully that I remember whatever world I was making in the first place. I would be best if you guys could point it out.

A little over 2 weeks after the dungeon break in Incheon, the whole world, filled with unbearable curiosity, had decided to sniff out any crumbs of information about the details on demigods and dungeons. Despite the fact that Seonil had idiotically ran his mouth without going through his brain first and accidentally released some information that should have not been mentioned during the press conference that was held after the dungeon break, the whole fiasco surprisingly didn't blow up in his face as much as Eun-Seok had predicted.

However, public unrest was still not quelled. So, on a fine Saturday evening, some smart ass decided that they would protest in front of the newly dubbed Hunter's Association building. They were all sent up 3 meters into the air by Eun-Seok and left there for 2 hours. And that was only because Seonil had tried very hard to persuade Eun-Seok to let them down.

Also, somebody got heatstroke and had to be rushed to the hospital. It was only due to this that Eun-Seok had reluctantly let these annoying pests go early from the 3 day punishment he was planning.

Seonil was nursing a headache while nagging him. To be more accurate, he was lecturing him continuously about Eun-Seok's lack of common sense, but, well, Seonil's focus on him was making his day so Eun-Seok decided that he will let the mortals off easily this time. Also, apparently, mortals might get something called a 'heatstroke' and die, so Seonil says. Since it was midday and people could die from such low heat.

He benefited from this, though.

Although, Seonil, who somehow got tricked into a second dinner with Eun-Seok, had to rush back to his office in the middle of said dinner, which made Eun-Seok's face turn black in silent anger, he got 2 extra dinner dates with Seonil in the end which is a win for him.

Mortals do have a little use after all!

After the whole fiasco, Eun-Seok took out his phone called an unknown number.

"Sung-nim. Do you have any order?" The person at the other end of the phone asked respectfully.

"This level of organized protest could not be done without some support or instigation. Investigate. Every company that has a hand in the current unrest, pull them out of any cooperation with them. We do not need such volatile variables in our premises." Eun-Seok ordered. "I will not tolerate being the mantis for the oriole's gains. (A/N: From this 成语(proverb/idiom🤷‍♀️) 螳螂捕蝉,黄雀在后)."

"...understood." The man on the other end replied.

As he ended the call, Eun-Seok snorted in laughter as if thinking of something funny, "Dungeon. Haha... What funny names this generation gives secret realms. Though, they do indeed resemble those 'dungeons' in games." He said thoughtfully.

It seems that the new administrator of the laws is quite interesting.


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