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Here's the next chapter as promised! (we reached 7 votes; squeeee)

~The next morning/ Christmas Day~

           “JENNI! GET UP! SANTA CAME!” Tony barged into my room and jumped onto the corner of my bed like a little kid.

           “I’m too old for Santa,” I groan, annoyed from lack of sleep. The clock reads 5 am, and it’s still dark outside.

           “Ok, fine, I will just take all those gifts back to the store…” he stands up to leave. I shoot up and out of bed.

           “I’m up!” I slip on some fuzzy socks before following him to the elevator.

           The living room is lit up like… well… Christmas. The large tree we put up a few days ago is glistening with little white lights and tinsel. Under the tree, there was a huge stack of presents, including the ones I got for everyone else.

           “What took you so long?” Tony says as I sit down on the couch. He and Clint were already sitting on the floor next to the presents like 5 year olds. They both had a large colorful wrapped box in their hands. Natasha was sitting in the chair, watching their shenanigans along with Steve who sat next to her in a different chair. Bruce was on the couch opposite of me drinking from a cup of tea.

           “How are you guys so awake,” I mumble, rubbing my eyes.

           “Christmas, duh,” Clint answered.

           “Plus, they both already had their fourth cups of coffee, the caffeine is getting to them,” Natasha explains to me. I smile at their silliness. Each person is handed one of many gifts, and we start tearing through the pile.

           One hour later, we were all sitting in our piles of presents. Tony was happily drinking coffee from the mug I got him (he immediately changed over to it once it was unwrapped) and Steve had gone to put up the Walking Dead poster in his room (told you). We all end up going back to our rooms, to regain the sleep we lost.

Steve Rogers

~Two days later~

           “Captain Rogers, Agent Bramston is here with a boy,” JARVIS told me. “They say you were expecting them.”

           “I was, thanks JARVIS,” I get up off the couch and turn around to see Phil and the specified boy come through the elevator. The boy had shaggy light brown hair and glasses resting on his nose (A/N: Hmm…. That kind of sounds like someone familiar, huh?)

           “So this is Thomas?” I said smiling at him. Luckily, he returned the smile genuinely.

           “Well, I need to head back to HQ, but before I go, I have a message for Miss Stark, if you will give it to her,” Agent Bramston said handing me a piece of paper, I took it and set it on the table.

           “Have a nice day you two,” he says leaving.

           “So…” I say, breaking the silence that had formed after he left.

           “So…” he answers.

           “Want to go see your room?” I ask. He nods and we talk on the way there.

           “You’re room is right across from Jenni’s,” I tell him. He stops as if thinking for a second before continuing walking. “So this gives a perfect time to give this to her.” I hold up the slip of paper from before. I had snatched it before we headed out.

           “You know, I can probably take it to her after I unpack, to introduce myself and stuff,” he suggests.

           “That’s sounds like a perfect idea,” I agree handing him the slip of paper.

           “So, Thomas, right?” I ask. He nods.

           “But you can call me Tom,” he answers. “So what should I call you?”

           “Hmm?” I ask confused.

           “Dad, Papa, etcetera,” he explains.

           “’Dad’ is fine I think,” I answer.

           “Alright, now that’s settled,” he says relaxing a little. The elevator door swings open and we walk down the hall to his room.           


I grabbed a pencil and a sketchbook before sitting down on my bed again. I started sketching random things before I heard a knock on my door.  I slip off the bed and open the door to find a very familiar boy standing right outside it.

           “Tommy?!” I practically scream.

           “Jenni?!” he screams back. We go into a stage of ‘why’ and ‘what’ over and over before I finally snap out of it.

           “What are you doing here?” I ask him.

           “Jeez, I thought you would be happy to see me, even though I didn’t know you would be here,” he says with fake hurt. I laugh. “Why are you here?”

           “I asked you first,” I tell him demandingly.

           “So? I asked you second,” he states. I roll my eyes.

           “Fine, remember when I said my dad was ‘mildly famous’?” I ask and he nods his head.

           “He’s Tony Stark,” I tell him. His mouth drops open, but it quickly closes.

           “Well, at least my answer won’t be as odd,” he laughs a little. “I’m here because Steve Rogers, aka Captain America is my dad.”

           “Steve is a dad!” I scream shocked. “I wasn’t told about this information!”

           “Well, you’ve been living under a rock,” he said matter-of-factly.

           “More like a tower,” I mumble.

           “I get that reference!” he exclaims. I smile at his silliness. “Oh, by the way, there was a message and I was supposed to give it to you.” He holds out a slip of paper. I took it from him. I pry open the flap and read the message.

            Visiting soon. –DW


            I look down at the paper puzzled before folding it and stuffing it into my pocket. I can worry about who DW is later.

            “So… have you ever tried riding down stairs on a sled?”

._______. .____________. .___________. .______________. .____________. .__________.

        I bet none of you saw that coming. *Evil laugh*

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        Next chapter soon!!!

        ~Hammy the Hamster

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