chapter's 2

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I had to go back upstairs and run to my room before my dad came back down and raped one of them like he does every day. It made me sick to think about it. They were like my kids and seeing them in this much pain is like watching a baby deer being slowly chopped to pieces right in front of you. I had to get them out of there. I had to especially get mariah out of there. She's so young. She has so much to do still. Before they were raped after w month of being here I had to ask if they were virgins. Mariah said no she was 13 and she drank a little to much with her boyfriend austin and it happened. Madalynn said no also. It was for her 16th birthday. Her boyfriend Ryan took her to a hotel and gave her her birthday present. McKenna. She said yes. She said she didn't want to loose her vitginity yet. She wanted to grow up and find the right man. Even though she talked about her boyfriend Brady all the time. I felt even more sick to my stomach when I first seen her after it happened to her.

I walked down stairs with some apples and a milk carton actually filled with milk this time. I smiled at the girls and handed them all an apple madalynn's favorite was apples so she was very excited. Mariah took the apple and bit into it The juices from the apple dripped Down the side of her lips  and she quickly sipped then away. I walked over to Mckenna and handed her an apple. She didn't even look at me. She took the apple and set it the side. I could tell she was crying. I bent down in front of her and asked "what's wrong mckenna? what happened?" She could barely speak. "He raped me." She replied very quietly. "He brought me into that room, ask madalynn and mariah they seen it" I looked over to the girls and asked "why did you not help her?" I said nice but a sour tone. "We.. We tried." Mariah sputtered "but he slapped us and hit us and told us to lay down 'NOW' before he hurts us again.."  "We tried to do something" madalynn said  "so we hugged her and told her to think about something that makes her forget. Think about  BradyMcKenna cried every time someone said his name but this time she was quiet and she put her head on her knees. Wide eyed and silent.

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