Chapter One: The Attack

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The history of warriors and how the clans came to be/ The prophecy in the Stars
By: Madison and Faith

Chapter one: The Attack

"WAKE UP! We're under attack", I awoke unsure and startled, not sure what to make of the cats around me. I was panicked but it finally reached my ears what the warrior cat was saying. I felt as if the cave walls were closing in on me but I had to get it together. I needed to be strong and brave. Cat's around me are yowling their anger at shadow clan warriors. "Get to your stations now"! I yell to the warriors already ready to fight. I did not realize at that moment that my apprentice turned to me with a look of fear in her eyes. I tell her, "GO! Go and hide, do not let yourself be seen" so she ran off with her blue-grey coat shimmering in the sunlight. In her eyes, I see the determination to make me proud but she skidded to a halt before the underbrush and turned to look at me. I nod furiously to tell her to go. Her beautiful blue eyes gazing at me I couldn't turn away until she ran into the underbrush. About a sunrise later the war finally ends. I am still on alert when I realize that my apprentice is still in the shadows hiding for their life. Then again she surprises me when she is already by my side. I smile down at her with approval. She says in a rush, "A...Shadow...Clan...warrior... found me but...I fought back and" I suddenly cut her off, "are you hurt, are you wounded in any way" so worried for her, I started to scan her for any wounds. "I am fine" she chuckles those pretty blue eyes look into my soul the lovingness and kindness radiating from her is so powerful the way her eye look at me makes all my worry dissipate, but I remember that I have a job for her so I turn away, saying, "well if you are fine then go and find food with the other three." "Yes ma'am" She trotted away with pride and annoyance in her step. She found a decent amount of food when she returned to the camp. She found a squirrel, a bird, and 3 mice. After eating and giving the elderly ones some food too, I called a meeting to all of the warriors to discuss the plan to attack Shadow Clan. After a while we were all exhausted, I was too but I paced in my den. I have so much responsibility I thought so overwhelming. I have to remember that I have so much responsibility, because .... I am the leader, the leader of RiverClan, a clan of cats that was made up ages ago. I can't just hide like I want to do sometimes. I stay up late so many nights worrying, worried about the one thing everyone asks me, even the kits, and it hurts that I can't tell them, but it is the one thing that always keeps me up at night. They ask me what's in the moonpool. I'm not supposed to say and I know that but what I see when I looked into it to become who I am now, but it's still so hard when you see the clans tear each other apart and start fighting each other constantly. I can't hold it together and when my apprentice asks if everything is ok. I almost fall apart inside knowing I can't tell her that, but one day maybe one day she will see what is waiting in the moonpool. Because she might be the new leader someday.

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