Chapter 7 "First Time Swimming"

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Trigger warning: mentions of alcohol and scars

Phil's POV
It's now Sunday so me and Techno don't have to work. I woke up at 9 am to start making breakfast. Willbur is sitting at the table while I cook. He has a cup of coffee and he looks very sluggish. Tommy, kibbles and Techno haven't woken up yet. Ranboo decided to stay in his room until breakfast was ready.
"So have you found where Kibbles came from?"
Will says. He sounds half awake.
"No not yet. I called the orphanage near us but they say they never had a Kibbles there. So he probably came from an orphanage further away."
"Ah ok. I still wonder why he smelled like alcohol." He takes a sip of his coffee. His expression is off. Something is bothering him.
"Yeah- he looked terrified of the fact that he was even near alcohol. I have a feeling it has something to do with his last foster home."
Will nods, taking another drink of his coffee.
"So you just found him outside, soaked."
"Yeah he was soaked as if he was out in the rain all night. And the way he was walking was off, as if he had been drinking." I put more of the mix into the waffle maker. And then turn my attention to the eggs on the stove.
Tommy then walks in.
He yawns, rubbing his eyes, then he looks around slightly confused.
"Is kibbles not down yet?
"No? Is he not in bed?" Will says, confusion and worry lacing his voice.
"No he wasn't there when I woke up, not in the bathroom either."
He didn't leave during the night did he?
"Will can you keep an eye on the food? I'll go check to see where he is."
Will nods and I walk out over to Ranboo's room. I knock and he answers the door.
"Hey Ranboo, have you seen Kibbles? Apparently he isn't in bed."
Ranboo shakes his head no, looking confused.
"Ok I'll go ask Techno. Breakfast is almost ready by the way."
He nods and walks out to the kitchen.
I go upstairs and knock on Techno's door. He doesn't answer so I quietly open the door. There on Techno's bed is Kibbles and Techno, sleeping soundly. Techno has his arm around kibbles protectively, while kibbles is curled up against his chest.
"Pfft- that's adorable."
I quietly close the door and go back downstairs.
"Did you find him?" Will says as he takes another waffle out of the waffle maker.
"Yeah he's fine, he must have moved to Techno's room during the night."
"Oh ok." Will puts some waffles and eggs on a plate and hands it to Ranboo, Tommy already has a plate.
"Thanks for taking over breakfast for me Will."
"No worries." He smiles as he gets himself a plate and sits down. I get my own plate and we all chat for a bit.

Kibbles POV
I wake up to Techno's arm on top of me. I must have fallen asleep at some point. I slowly get up and scoot out from under Techno's arm, trying my best not to wake him. I then walk out and downstairs. I can hear the TV on in the living room. I then walk into the kitchen and Phil and Will are sitting at the table chatting.
"Good morning kibbles! How did you sleep?" Phil says smiling.
I shrug as I sit down next to Will.
"Do you want some food? It's waffles and eggs." Phil stands up, putting his own plate in the sink.
"Yes. Thank you."
I put my arm on the table and rest my head on top of it. I'm still pretty tired. Probably didn't get enough sleep last night.
Phil puts a plate on the table in front of me.
I sit up and slowly eat.
"You ok Kibs?" Will gives me a worried look.
I nod, taking another bite of my waffle.
"Just tired that's all."
Will glances at Phil but doesn't say anything else.
After I finish eating, I go out to the living room while Phil finds me another outfit.
"Hey kibbles! Herd you fell asleep with Techno." Tommy says as he leans back on the couch.
"O-oh yeah I guess I did-"
"Don't worry everyone does it haha ounce Ranboo just climbed into my bed and didn't say anything! He just went right to sleep."
I laugh at this.
"Speaking of Ranboo, he's got speech therapy today, so ima go hang out with Tubbo if you wanna join."
"Sure sounds fun."
"Pog, come get me when your ready and we can go."
I nod and go to Tommy's room, Phil smiles as I walk in and hands me some clothes.
"After Ranboo's speech therapy we can go out and get you some clothes."
I nod and he leaves me to get changed.
The jeans fit me this time, they're probably Tubbo's, but the shirt is still big. It's a nice white t-shirt, it has a blue sheep printed on the front with 'Friend' labeled under it, it almost reaches my knees.
I find a comb and brush my hair, which had tangled a good bit last night.
Then I go back downstairs to see Tommy waiting for me at the door.
"We'll be back in a few hours Dadza!"
"Ok be careful! And keep your phone on you!"
Phil calls back from the kitchen.
Tommy quickly walks out the door, I follow behind him.
"We're going to Tubbo's house! He's got a pool and everything!"
"I've never been in a pool."
Tommy looks at me with his mouth gaping open.
"Well we gotta show you! Come on!"
He grabs my wrist and leads me forward.
We walk for maybe ten minutes, then we get to a house that is a bit smaller then Phil's house. Tubbo is up on the roof.
"Hey guys!"
"Tubbo get down here! We can't get up there!"
"Why should I?"
"Fine coming boss man"
Tubbo stands up and jumps right off the roof, catching himself with his wings before he hits the ground.
"Tubbo! Kibbles has never been in a pool!"
"What? Well your in for a treat! Come on!"
They both lead me into his house.
"Mother dearest! I have friends over!"
"Ok dear! If you guys want food just come to the kitchen."
They lead me upstairs to what I assume is Tubbo's room.
"Do you have a bathing suit?" Tubbo asks.
"Um- no I don't know what that is." I say confused.
"Oh- well don't worry you can wear some of my shorts."
He grabs a pair of black shorts from his drawer and throws them to me, he then pulls out some red shorts- bathing suit? And throws it to Tommy, then he grabs another bathing suit which has a bee stripe pattern.

-after they all get changed-

We walk out to the backyard and There is a big pool built into the ground.
Tommy runs toward the pool,
He jumps right into the water, which splashes over the side. Tubbo flies over to hover above Tommy.
"It's so cold!" Tommy says as he stands back up, the water is up to his shoulders.
"Ok so you probably don't know how to swim Kibbles, so I suggest not passing the 5 foot line."
He points to a line under the water.
"If you go any deeper you won't be able to reach the bottom."
I nod as I sit down on the side, and dip my feet in.
"Oh I expected it to be cold."
"It is cold!" Tommy half yells as he slowly walks through the water.
Tubbo is hovering behind him, a mischievous smirk on his face. He looks at me and puts his finger to his lips as he slowly comes closer to Tommy, then he grabs Tommy from under the arms and lifts him up and out of the water.
"If you say so!"
They are hovering about a foot away from the water at the deep end, which is marked to be 7 feet deep. Tubbo drops Tommy right into the water. He starts to laugh hysterically. Tommy jumps up from the water and grabs Tubbo's ankle, pulling him into the water.
"Aw c'mooon man now my wings are weeeet."
"Good! now you can't pick me up!"
They both start laughing.
I drop into the water, the shallow end is only 3 feet deep so it only comes up to my waist.
"Wow Tubbo your strong."
I say as I make my way to the 5 foot line.
Tubbo puts his arms up to flex his muscles.
"Yup! I used to fly Tommy around when we where younger!"
"Yeah we would sit up at the top of trees and on the roofs!" Tommy says as he swims over to me.
"We would look at the stars and talk about the most random stuff." Tubbo says. He grabs onto Tommy's shoulders, letting him pull him as he swims. When I get to the 5 foot line, the water is up to my neck. Tommy grabs my arm and pulls me out into the six foot.
"Ah! W-wait I don't wanna drown!" I cling to his arm to keep my head over the water.
"You won't drown! You've got a very strong man to hold you up!"
"Haha the only reason you can hold him up is because of the water." Tubbo says.
"And I can pick you up without the water."
"F*ck off!" Tommy used his other arm to splash water at Tubbo, who in return splashes water back. They go on to splash each other while I use Tommy as cover.

After maybe two hours we all get out to dry off. Tubbo aggressively flaps his wings, and water fly's everywhere.
"Hey watch where your flinging your water!"
Tommy puts his towel up to shield himself from the flying water.
"As if your not already soaked."
Tubbo sits down on the chair next to Tommy, his towel sitting on his head.
"Hey- Kibbles?"
"Ya?" I answer, my towel draped over my shoulders, only covering most of my back.
"What are those scars on your belly?" He points to his own belly, to indicate where they are.
"O-oh-" I quickly cover my belly with my towel. apparently I got sunburned, making it more visible.
"That's nothing-" I look away.
"Hey man let's not ask him anything personal." Tommy says, elbowing Tubbo in the ribs.
"Ow! Sorry-"
Tommy picks his phone up from the small coffee table.
"It's 12, we should get ready to head back. Ranboo is probably already done therapy."
"Awwww can I please come with youuuu it's boring heeeere."
"Your so clingy!"
"I am not clingy!"
"Whatever, come if you want."


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