Chapter 5 "Hybrids At The Skate Park"

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Trigger warning: slight racism and fake knife

Kibbles POV
It's been about 15 minutes and now everybody has joined us in Ranboo's room. Will is sitting on the bed, strumming his guitar. Ranboo and Tommy are sitting in front of me, they're playing some card game while I watch. Phil has figured out that if a phantom isn't able to control their phasing, and somehow gets stuck, another Phantom can still make contact with them, and pull them out. He's got a friend coming over to help. I hate not being able to move, it feels like I'm trapped and won't be able to get out.
"How you doing Kibs?" Phil walks in, coming to check on me.
"I-I'm ok." I say back.
He nods and sits down next to Will, they both talk while I watch Tommy and Ranboo play. They are playing some game called 'Go Fish' Tommy tends to say go fish a little bit to loudly, while Ranboo taps twice on the floor. Ranboo shows Tommy another card.
"Go fish!" Tommy says proudly. He then says what card he wants, and Ranboo taps the ground. Ranboo shows another card and Tommy gives it to him. Tommy has one more card and 6 piles, Ranboo has 2 cards and 8 piles. He asks for a card and Ranboo gives it to him, he ends with 7 piles and Ranboo ends with 8.
"Noooooo how the f*ck did you win?" Tommy throws his head back dramatically.
Ranboo has a smile on his face as he cleans the cards up.
There's a knock on the front door and Phil walks out to answer it. He comes back and there's a man following him.
"Kibbles, this is Badboyhalo, you can call him Bad. He's a phantom too."
Bad smiles and waves. He's got ashy black skin, horns and a tail, he's wearing a black and white checkered shirt and black leggings, with two red stripes going down each side.
"I see your a bit stuck, is it ok if I come and help you?" He sounds kind. I nod and he walks over. He gently grabs me from under my arms, and pulls me out, setting me on the floor. I wobble a bit at first, but then I'm able to stand again, and touch the floor.
"Thanks Bad, he's been stuck there for maybe 20 minutes." Phil says.
"Of course! I ounce got stuck in a chair haha it happens." He pats me on the head and goes over to chat with Phil.
"Glad your out now, we wouldn't want you to be stuck there overnight, that wouldn't be very poggers." The redshirt guy says. Crap what's his name?
"Ya that wouldn't be good at all." I say. Ranboo nods in agreement.
"Since your out now do you wanna go to the skate park? I could show you how to use a skateboard." Redshirt guy says. I shrug and nod. "Pog! You guys can come to if you want." He says to Ranboo and Beanie man. Ranboo nods and Beanie man shrugs. "C'mon!" He runs out of the room, Ranboo grabs his book and follows, i trail behind with Beanie Man.

-at the skatepark-

Red shirt guy is showing us the few tricks he knows while Ranboo is on roller-skates, circling me and Will while we sit on the bench.
"We have another brother! His name is Techno, he's part piglen, he's at work right now but will be back for dinner."
"There sure is a lot of you guys huh." I say chuckling.
"Ya Phil just randomly decides to adopt y'know? Ranboo just joined us about 2 months ago."
"He's- really kind-" I say.
"Ya compared to most foster parents he's an Angel haha."
"He looks like one too"
"He's the foster angel! Foster Angel Philza!" Will says smiling.
We both break out laughing.

    A literal bee boi flies over to us.
He's wearing a green shirt and light blue overalls, he has rollerblades on but he's just flying. He has bee wings and antennae. "Hey Will, whose this?" The bee boy says.
"This is kibbles! Kibs this is Tubbo."
I give a small wave. He smiles and waves back then goes over to Ranboo. After a minute he comes back with Ranboo and Tommy. "Kibbles! Wanna learn some skateboarding?" Tommy half shouts.
"Um- sure?"
"Pog!" He comes over and pulls me off the bench, he puts the skateboard on the ground.
"Ok all ya gotta do is get on it and push with one foot, we'll be here in case you fall."
I nod and shakily step onto the skateboard, and push off with my other foot. Ranboo glides next to me on his skates while Tubbo hovers off the ground on my other side. I lose balance and Tubbo catches me, steadying me on the ground.
"Hey that was pretty good!" Tommy says as he runs after the skateboard.
"Ya you stayed on longer then Tommy did when he got on for the first time." Tubbo snickers.
"F*CK YOU" Tommy shouts as he walks back over.
"Can I try roller skating?" I say kind of softly.
"Sure! You probably won't fit Ranboo's, but you can try my rollerblades. I will warn you they're a bit harder to ride tho." Tubbo says.
He sits on the ground and takes off his rollerblades, I sit down next to him and take off my very worn shoes, that are probably one size to small. I put on the rollerblades, and Tubbo and Tommy each take one of my arms to lift me onto my feet. Tubbo instructs me while Ranboo demonstrates. After maybe ten minutes or so I'm able to ride on my own, not perfectly of course, but I can slowly ride around. Ran smiles and gives a thumbs up and Tommy jumps on his skateboard and rides beside me and Ranboo. Tubbo is flying above us, doing flips and twirls in the air.
"Hey freaks!"
Ranboo stops in front of me, he holds his arms out to catch me, since i haven't learned to stop yet. Tommy stops and Tubbo goes to hover next to him.
3 people who looked to be in about their 20's skate over to us.
"What are you doing at our skatepark?" One of them says.
"Your skatepark? This is a public place!" Tommy says to them loudly.
"Yeah and you lot should definitely not be in public." Another one snarls.
I tighten my grip on Ranboo's arm, this is going to get loud.
"We're doing nothing wrong!" Tubbo states.
"Your existence is wrong!" The first one says.
"Your hybrids!"
"There is nothing wrong with hybrids b*tch!" Tommy's voice has started to raise, he steps in front of the rest of the group, Tubbo close behind.
"You are CREATURES You belong in the WILD." The third one says.
"YOU BELONG IN THE WILD" Tommy shoots back at them, red in the face. Will walks up.
"What's going on here?"
"They're making fun of us for being hybrids!"
Even tho Tommy isn't a hybrid, he refuses to single himself out. He chooses to stand beside us and take the blows too.
"Oh are you a hybrid too?" The first one says loudly.
"So what if I am one?" Will says back.
As they are arguing, Will pulls his phone out reaching it back towards me and Ranboo, out of the others view.
Ranboo grabs it, then Will draws a 'T' in the air.
"Techno" I whisper.
Ranboo pulls up Technos contact:

It's Ranboo can you come help us? -Ranboo
Where. -Techno
-insert adress- -Ranboo
I skate over to Tommy, grabbing his arm.
"Techno is on his way." I whisper.
Tommy smiles and nods.
"Got something to say short-stack?" The first person half yells at me. I quickly shake my head no, my grip tightening on Tommy's arm.
"Oh so you want me to come over there and beat it outta ya then?" He says even louder. This scares me and I phase right through Tommy, falling to the ground.
"THE KIDS A GHOST!" The third one says laughing.
"Pfft look at that freak! He's fallen flat on his face!" The second one says. All three of them burst out laughing.
"You guys don't have nothin', your just little hybrids who can't do anything." The second one says while the third one puts a "L" to their forhead.
"Well do you know what we've got that you'll never have?" Tommy says as he helps me up.
"Oh? And what is that?" The first person says mockingly.
"I have the blade." He says menacingly, a big smile on his face, his braces glittering in the sunlight.
Suddenly a man with bore legs and a bore mask steps in front of the group. He's got his arms crossed. The three of them go silent.
"I'll give you to the count of 3." The man says with a deep monotone voice. The three of them stare at him unmoving.
He drops his arms to his sides,
He reaches into his pocket,
The three of them scamper away, the third guy tripping on his roller skate, quickly getting back up and skating towards the rest of his group.
Techno turns around, pulling a toy knife out of his pocket.
Tommy and Tubbo burst out laughing.
"Guess they didn't want to see your cool toy Techno." Will snickers.
Techno shrugs.
"Do you guys need a ride back?"
Will nods.
"Bye Tubs see ya tomorrow!" Tommy says as he dashes toward what I assume is Techno's car.
"Bye guys! Was nice meeting ya Kibbles!"
I smile as I give him back his rollerblades, not bothering to put my shoes back on.

1620 words

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