Episode 2: Thank you Splinter

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Teenage Mutant Kunoichi Turtles
Teenage Mutant Kunoichi Turtles
Teenage Mutant Kunoichi Turtles
Females in a Half-shell Turtle Power

Here we go
It's the lean, green, ninja team
On the scene, cool teens doin' ninja things
So extreme, out the sewer, like laser beams
Get rocked with the Shell-shocked Pizza Queens

Can't stop these radical gals

The Family who had made the chosen few
Emerge from the shadows, to make their moves
The good guys win and the bad guys lose


Mei or Venus! the leader of the team
Can do anything to make you land off your feet
Talena! She goes by Tal and
Can do anything with her science pals
Larota! She'll make you kneel down on your knees
Amoly! She's a party queen but she'll do anything to keep the city clean

Master Hopu taught them every single skill they need
To be one lean, mean, green, invincible team!

Teenage Mutant Kunoichu Turtles
Teenage Mutant Kunoichi Turtles
Teenage Mutant Kunoichi Turtles
Females in a Half-shell Turtle Power!
~end intro~

The girls were back at their Lair training with their sensei Hopu. She was so sweet and kind but also very stricked but also very chill. She's very confusing. Anyway the girls bow down to their sensei and leave their dojo.
"Larota I sense that something is bothering you my child. Could you tell me?"
Hopu said. Larota turned a bit. The other three had already left. Larota sighed, went to Hopu and sat down.
"Sensei, I know everything there is already... I want to learn something new but how can I..."
"Oh Larota, You only know a portion of the things us masters taught you."
"Oh yes! To finish the journey of your training you would have to-..."
"To what Sensei?"
"You would have to go to China..."

Larotas eyes lit up.
"Really!? I get to be up there with the other Samurais and senseis and Masters!"
Larota said excitedly. She coughed.
"Forgive me. So when would I be ready to go."
Hopu's eyes were watery but Larota was to excited to notice.
"Whenever you're ready My student..."
She said worried. Larota bowed and thanked her sensei Hopu and left. Hopu sighed. She dreamed this would happen but it was way to fast. Larota and her sisters are still children to her...

Larota went to her room to think about when she should go to China. It has been a dream for her to go to China. Of course she would have to mentally prepare herself for the adventure because of how strict the others are. Who knew That she, Larota Yamamoto would be a real Samurai. I know I said she was already a Samurai but she technically already is and she is in fact stronger than lots of them. She screamed in her pillow and them smiled widely. She even let out a few laughs. The others downstairs heard it and were shocked. Larota never laughs. They nodded at eachother and Venus and Talena looked at Amoly. She looked at them and the groaned and rolled her eyes. She went up to Lara's room and knocked on her door. Lara jumped up from her bed and to the door, opened it, pulled Amoly in and shut the door.
"Ok Lara what's happening? I know my sister pretty well but this is honestly not you."
Amoly said. Larota coughed and went back into her usual cold self.
"Nothing is wrong Amoly. I think your brain isn't working. Like always."
Larota said. Amoly made an 'uh yeah sure.' Face.
"Oh don't look at me like that Amy. I would tell you anything."
Larota said to her. Amoly smiled and rolled her eyes.
"Ok ok fiiiine. But I wanted to tell you something."
"What is it?"
"The guys are coming over and I wanted to tell you ahead."
"Oh cheese-itz why are they coming here!?"
She put her face in her hands and groaned in Annoyance.
"Well that's why I told you ahead of time because I know you still don't like them."
"You got that right. Thanks for telling me little sis."
Larota rubbed and patted her head. She giggled and left. As for Larota, she was just going to say a quick Hi and leave. She wanted to meditate in the forest near by. She's seen it on patrol a couple times and found an excellent spot. It was a circular stone ground surrounded by trees. It had moss between the big cracks and also fallen pillars. She grabbed her Kurisigamas, put them in their pouches and went out of her room. She felt something as she walked out and her instincts kicked in. She flipped onto the railing and then jumped down doing a front flip. She looked up at her room. It was a water bucket and water all over the place. She looked to the main area. The guys were already here and she stared at Amoly.
"How many times have you done that same trick Amy?"
Lara said.

"35 times."
Talena said. Larota went towards Amoly who was kind of scared. Larota was above her and pulled out a towel.
"Clean it up. Now before I-"
"Ok ok! We know you're scary. "
She said and took the towel. Lara rose a brow and went to the door.
"Hey Lara don't you wanna hang out for a little bit?"
Leo asked.
"Nah I'm fine I've got some other things to do."
Lara responded.
"During day?"
Donnie asked.
"Yeah why?"
Lara raised a brow again.
"Well people can see you."
Mikey said.
"Oh I'm not going to the city. I'm going to the woods."
"But that's really far away isn't it?"
Donnie said.
"Heh. Not if you're me it isn't. Oh and don't make a mess. I don't feel like cleaning today."
She said.
"You got it fearless. Stay safe."
Venus said.
"Ok bye Shinobi."
Lara said then left.
"How did she do that?"

Mikey asked Amoly.
"I have no idea dude. But it's really cool."
Raphael was impressed and stared at Larota for a little bit but he remembered something and shook his head.


Larota went out of the sewers and stealthily went her way to the woods. She ran until she spotted it. The place. She set her stuff down and meditated while spinning and doing hand movements.
She locked her fingers together, slid her hands across eachother, made a big circle movement with both arms, at the end of making the circle, crossed her arms and one arm going forward and the other behind her almost touching her shoulder.


Her body had a light glow outlining her. She felt freedom. She put her hands together and sat down crossing her legs. She took a deep breath and she was now enlightened. She was about to go into the peace but she heard something. She quickly got up and pulled out her Kurisigamas. She looked around,while twirling her Kurisigamas in her hands. She heard loud rustling sounds near a bush. She got out a ninja star and threw it at the noise. Someone caught it. Larota's eyes went wide and she bowed.
"I am so sorry Splinter. Forgive me."
Splinter was there. He walked towards Larota and gave her back her ninja star.
"You are very talented Larota. I see see great potential in you."
He said putting a hand on her shoulder. She put her head up and smiled softly.
"Thank you Splinter."
There as bit of silence for a moment.
"Would you like to meditate with me?"
Larota asked.
"I'd love to."
He responded. They both sat down and started to meditate for about a few minutes until Splinter said something.
"Larota you seem to be happy about something. What is it?"
Larota smiled.
"My Master Hopu is planning on sending me to China to become stronger than I already am. I plan to be a master at the ninja Institution there."
"That's splendid but what about your family? Talena, Amoly, Venus?"
Larota frowned a bit.
"I know that I'm going to be homesick once and a while but I'll be back in no time. I could never forget me friends and family."
"What about them? Don't you think they'll miss you?"
Larota chuckled.
"I don't really think so. My sisters and Venus see me as a strict mom who's angry a lot of the times. I think they would be quite happy..."
"Well they see that you are a good leader and that you're strict because you want them to be safe no?"
"Well yeah but... I'm not the leader Venus is. Don't get me wrong I'm happy she's leader but from what I've read and heard, she's not very good at it."
"How so?"
"Well from what I've read, leaders are courageous and put themselves before others. They are practically an influence for the team. The team looks up to the leader and trusts them to do the right things. We have to."
"Leaders also take responsibility too."
Splinter said. He put his hands on her shoulders. She looked up.
"You would be a very good Master Larota but do not forget that you have a family here alright?"
Larota smiled and hugged him tightly.
"Thank you Splinter."
He hugged back.
"You are welcome Larota Yamamoto."

A shadow watches from behind the trees. It's a really big figure but he goes away. Who was it...

~End Episode pic thing on Larota and Splinter hugging~

Word count: 1592

Posted on Saturday December 11th

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