Coffee Break

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/kô'fê/ (n)
-an aromatic, mildly stimulating beverage prepared from coffee brans. Coffee Break:a short work break during which coffee or other refreshments may be consumed.



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Harry threw his head down, letting the brush fall down in disappointment. Splashes of paint spraying everywhere on the table. He's been trying to make this painting perfect for so long, but the ideas won't mix properly with what he wants in his head.

He was trying to make his 31th painting, the one of a boy...or Louis to be precise. But all the sketches he had managed to steal from him where uselessly useless, unless he could get a new proper one. Or at least have him here to pose...that won't happen though because that would ruin the surprise.

Harry got his finally dried phone out of his pocket and dialled Louis number.

There where a few rings until Louis finally picked up.-"It better be an emergency Harry Styles, I'm at work and there's people watching me."

Harry smiled softly.-"It is, huge tragedy, disaster...let's ditch the work today..."

Louis facepalmed from the other side of the phone as he pitched the bridge of his nose.-"You called me because you got bored didn't you..."

Harry chuckled.-"Nope...I just feel like I'm tired and I need a coffee and maybe a good cuddle or at least a hug."

Louis smiled.-"This is one of the reasons I still hate you. Manipulative bitch! I'm coming. If I get fired it'll be your fault!"

"Great meet me at the Tea shoppè in 30 minutes."-Harry said as he stood up picking up his bag and putting a sketchbook and freshly sharpened pencil there.

Louis sighted.-"Alrighty. On my way H."


Louis entered the Tea Shoppè to find Harry sitting on the far corner of the coffee shop/tea shop. He looked so lonely like this, hunched over his sketchbook, reminds him of a younger Harry, when he was in college, still a student filled with hope and motivation. He approached him with short steps and when he reached there he tapped him on the shoulder.

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