Hot Chocolate

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/smʌɪl/ (n)
-a curve that can set a lot of things straight.



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Louis giggled at himself as he fixed the small living room to make it seem as warm as he possibly could, and to do that he might have called his mother and asked a ton of stupid questions like: how to make a cold flat feel like home? Which to sat the truth did confuse her as to why her son wanted to make the flat feel like something like that when he had home at home, but than she figured out by herself that maybe he and Harry finally reached a new point of their friendship and now Louis is all whipped up.

Ince done with that Louis asked their landlord to fix the gas-fireplace problem they had since last year and now it finally was warm inside the room, with the pretty fireplace all ready. The landlord did give a sceptical look at all the neatness of the living room, making Louis stand there awkwardly as he fixed the fireplace problem.

Louis took good notes from his mom, and now here he was in the middle of the living room, lighting up vanilla scented candles that Harry keeps buying and they never get to use, wearing the oversized sweater he got from the Antique shop down the road, that smelled like lavender and oranges, with a ton of blankets on his arms and pillows on the couch. He fixed the living rooms couch into a cozy warm cuddle point. As for food he was no cook, so he just placed all the cupcakes Harry bought him yesterday in a plate on the small table besides the couch and called it a intelligent idea.

Louis checked the time. Harry would be here any minute. He did a last check around the room for every detail to be perfect. He blew off the candles now that the vanilla scent had filled the room and rushed to the kitchen.

Louis wasn't good at cooking something universally known, he never was, so he didn't even try to make anything to change that, he just poured two cups of hot chocolate with marshmallow on top and gave himself a 5 stars for presentation.

The front door opened after a short key roll noises. Harry walked through the hallways, a small smile on his face as always. Which changed into a confused look when he saw what had happened to their living room. A wave of warmness hit his cold and humid skin coming from the finally fixed fireplace.

"Harold!"-Louis placed the cups down on the table and went over to give Harry a warm unexpected hug. This was new...a lovable kind of new. Something he could get used with. Louis was hugging him again for the second time today...did the spirits of past, present and future pay a visit to the older boy last night after he tucked him into bed?- He couldn't help but wonder.

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