Not Your Average Scary Book..

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"Are we there yet?" Hope whined.

"No,if we were the car would be stopped and we would be unpacking." Replied Kenzie in a smart alec tone.

This was the second time we've all been camping together since junior year.We were headed to Kenzie's old cabin that hadn't been used since 8th grade.As we drove off the paved road and onto the dusty dirt road known as Elmer we noticed that the further we drove the less house appeared.

"We need some music!" squeaked Heather from the backseat.

As we all started singing to 'Call Me Maybe' and 'Beauty and A Beat' Cassi screamed, "This is going to be the best trip ever!!"

"Yes!!" We all agreed.

The cabin was in a very remote area. "Jeez Cassity did you have to bring ALL of your house?!" Yelled Jaci.

"It's only what I need, NOT my entire house." Cassity said giving a smirk to Jaci.

"Hurry and unpack before it gets dark!" I called out.

Once we finished unpacking we lit a fire in the fireplace and everyone played different board games.

"Who wants to hear a scary story?!" Hope asked.

"Not m-" Heather was shortly cut off.

"We do!!" Screeched everyone else.

"Good cause I'm tired of playing monopoly with this cheating midget!" Hope said pointing to Kenzie.

"You're just mad cause I have skill, I'd rather be short than stupid!" Exclaimed Kenzie putting her hands on her short hips.

"Well anyways.. There once was a group of girls just like us..." It seemed that everything Hope said happened around us.

"Then there was a knock at the door!" Hope said dramatically.

"Bam!Bam!" Suddenly the room inhaled a quick breath of air.

"I'll get it." I whispered to the now blood drained faces of the girls.

"Who is it?!" Heather called out.

"Yes, Heather because if it's a murderer they will tell us their name." I replied.

"Um, Hello did someone order a cheese pizza?" Said the man in a uniform with a name tag that read Tim.

"Oh! That's for me Lex!" Micah called out.

"Really?" We all called out.

"I was hungry "

"Is someone gonna pay me or not?" questioned Tim.

"Oh sorry, here I'll get it Lexi no worries."

As we got our stomach full of cheesy pizza Hope finished her story and we were off to bed. Some sleeping in the beds others were everywhere on the floor.

"Psst!! Guys do u hear that?" Heather whispered.

"No it's your imagination." Answered Cassi.

I believed Cassi as well as everyone else until the noise grew louder.

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