Not Your Average Scary Book..

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"Shh.." I said putting my finger to my lips.Everyone was wide awake and all huddled together.Outside was foggy and you couldn't see much.

"Lex, come here." Kenzie said calling for me as she slowly creeped out of her sleeping bag."Remember when we took that hunting trip down here?Well, there are some guns in the back."

I didn't want to get the guns out,not that I was scared to use them,but that I didn't even know what the noise was."No we better wait till we know what we are dealing with."

"True." Kenzie said with a shrug. Heather was sitting in the corner slowly going into panick mode. All of us were frightened some clearly more than others.Noticing the louder the noise we decided we should make a plan.

"Ok so we'll open the door,you will hit it in the head with a pan,you will hit it with a bat and if that doesn't work we'll get the guns." I said looking over to Kenzie who excitedly clapped her hands once and loudly whispered yes! Cassi,Heather,and Micah decided they should tie the colperet up. But once the door was opened there was nothing there. We were all standing in a open circle with our weapons ready but all u could see was your own breathe.

"Maybe it went away." Heather said trying to calm herself.

"I don't know, this all seems a little weird." Micah said.

"Ya." We all agreed while heading back inside and locking the door. Everyone went back to sleep with a tight grip on the pans and bats, in case of any other sudden noises.

In the morning we all greeted each other with our weird dreams and Cassity trying to tell her story with a mouth full of fruit loops, which only made everyone laugh. Later that evening, we went for a walk down an old trail we found at the verge of the woods. All of a sudden u could feel the tension in the air it was as if everyone stopped, the feeling that we were being watched quickly dawned on us. We decided to turn around because only that but we traveled a bit further than intended.

As we lit the nights fire and got cleaned up and dressed for bed we sat and made conversations about the funny things that happened at school in the past year and the silly jokes we made on the walk. Soon it grew very dark and the full moon was all that was seen."Hey I brought a small DVD player we can watch a movie." Hope declared.

"As long as it's NOT SCARY!!" Heather yelled at Hope with a touch of exaggeration when she said 'not scary.' Ok I take it back.. Not just a touch.

"It's not...It's my favorite movie from as a little kid."

"Oliver and Company!!" I screamed knowing that I remembered.

Shortly after finishing the movie and a whole two buckets of popcorn we started to play truth or dare.

"I dare you,Cassity, to stand outside for at least one minute." Jaci said.

"No problem." Cassity smiled. As she stepped out the door not thirty seconds after she ran back in trying to catch her breath.

"What happened, a minute to much?" Jaci said in a joking tone.

"No!!!" Cassity's face was drained of color and her lips were on the verge of turning purple.

"What then?!" We all questioned suddenly knowing it wasn't a joking matter.

"I heard a voice, and don't think I'm CRAZY or something this wasn't in my head I swear! It spoke with a raspy voice and each time it spoke it took a step closer with the leaves crunching under its feet. It sound like a man."

"What did it say?" Heather questioned as calmly as she could.

"It sai-"

"Hello ladies." The raspy voice of the man didn't seem far away. "Don't worry I won't hurt you, just wanted to say hi." The voice sounded a little to friendly it was more friendly in a creepy was and I'm sure he heard Heathers screech of terror.

"You don't know where I am, but clearly I have found you, haha don't be scared I'm leaving now but I will be back.. Not sure when but I'll be back soon I promise." His 's' seemed to linger a little longer as you could hear the leaves and sticks crack under the pressure of his weight.

As we tried to sleep last night I sat up as his words drifted in my mind. His raspy voice was strong in my thoughts.

" Lex, I know it's bothering you just as much as its bothering me but just try to get some sleep ok? We can call the cops tomorrow or something k?" Hope said giving me a symptomatic pat on the back and with that note i feel asleep. It seemed as if the mystery man was interfering with my dreams his words, his steps, haunting my dreams. I'm sure it bothered Hope to cause she nearly kicked me off the bed in what I think was her attempt to 'run away.'


So what do you think? Be sure and comment and vote hah I'm new so hi and thanks jaci I think and everyone else that told me what they thought at school and it's like 11:30 so goodnight my lovelies.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2013 ⏰

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