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I made it to school when I suddenly bumped into that cutesy, you know...Park Sunghoon of course.

"Oh hey there Chohee, I heard you were at Jay hyung's house last night." He quirked his lips up, I sighed.

"Yea it was raining really hard I couldn't even walk home because I didn't take an umbrella with me, I'm just grateful his parents weren't there cause it would be awkward to ask them if I could stay."

"Mhm I see cutesy, anyways get to class...you don't wanna be late." He shot a wink before taking his leave. Attractive guys hold so much power, it kills me on the inside.


I made my way to my locker, meeting jay. Jay slammed my locker door and faced me, "please don't tell me you like her, I don't want her to be my sister in law." The male whined.

Sister in law?? I chuckled at my older one, "Jay look here, I'm not into Chohee in that way and neither is she. I just find her attractive but nothing more than that and for her as well, we've been close friends...if you didn't know."

I love Chohee, that's a certain. And she loves me too...sure we both find each other attractive but it doesn't go that far to the point where we want to take it serious. We both are best friends, sometimes we like to mess around and trick people. Maybe that's why Jay is being such a buzzkill.

He hates the girl, I mean if I was him. I would like her but I don't know what whirls up in his brain or what even caused a feud between those two in the first place.

"Wait so you're not dating her? Hey but still I'm going to have to see her if you guys are friends, you don't know what happened last night. She made so much noise trying to find my blankets in the night time, I felt like killing her at that very moment."

That sounds like Chohee, the type of girl to disturb people while sleeping. I remember her cooking at 4 am and the oven made huge noise, I felt like my heart would explode that day.

"Yea I'm not dating her, she's my best friend you dumb shit." I whacked his head, that guy's brain makes me laugh a lot. But I mean it's our fault for confusing him, either way it's fun.



"You don't have a thing for park Sunghoon, liar."

"Uhhh...I know that. Didn't I SPECIFICALLY tell you last night or do you have memory problems?" I tilted my head, Jay clenched his jaw in vexation.

"What a shame, you found it out and ruined the fun for me and park." I frowned.

"So you've been chit chatting for the past 10 minutes in my class, do I seem blind to you...seeing you two whispering to each other while I'm talking? Do you not have any respect?? OUT. OUT OF MY ROOM...BOTH OF YOU." She furiously pointed towards the tall door.

"God bless the lord." Me and jongseong thanked in unison before stepping out her classroom, what a relief because that middle aged lady is a pain in the fucking ass.

"Detention room?"

"Let's get to it Seo, that stupid monitor better not be there."

"I have a plan if they are."I brought up, Jay's head turned to mine.

"And what is your 'so called plan' Seo??" Jay raised up a brow, I grinned.

"We're gonna start fighting like last time so they walk out again and leave us alone."

Jay grinned, "Not too bad Seo, got a brain after all."

"I've had one before you could ever find one Jongseong, don't get so cocky." I snickered before stepping into the detention room.


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