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Jay and I arrived at Sunghoon's house still avoiding each other from what happened earlier, I don't know what was going in my mind...or his.

I was going to let it happened. What's wrong with me?

"Look what I brought, now jay you better not drink too much I'm watching you." Sunghoon warned his cousin sternly.

Jay stared at him with sharp eyes but that didn't seem to bother Sunghoon, he was used to it. "Spin the bottle, let's play spin the bottle."

Minju brought her friends over as well, some were my classmates. Suyeon,dayeon, Dawon, solbi and Yurim.

They all got along with the boys and knew them for years just like me and Minju but because of they're busy schedules they don't get to hang out with us much.

Suyeon often got along with Sunghoon, Dayeon always got always gets along with Jungwon,Dawon and Jake are close friends from childhood then Yurim and Sunoo are in the same class together.

Solbi got along with everyone, she wasn't partially close to just one person.

All of us got into our spots, even Yeji played. Sunghoon didn't want her to play but the girl was 17, she was into these games.

[ Not her actual age ]

Heeseung spun the bottle as the oldest and it ended on Ni-ki. He smirked at looked at Yeji, "You and Yeji in the closet for 5 minutes.

"NO!!" Sunghoon shouted and everyone flinched from his harsh voice. "It's just a game,chill." Yeji told her brother, getting up from her seat.

"Let's go Riki."

Sunghoon crossed his arms watching the two entering the empty closet.

"Such a protective brother." Heeseung snickered while Sunghoon glared at him intensively.

5 minutes later —-

The timer was up, Heeseung slowly walked up to the closet and opened it. And when he did he widened his eyes, Ni-ki carried Yeji bridal style and they both smiled.

Yeji popped a confetti cannon in Heeseung's face, "SURPRISE!!" They both bursted out laughing like little kids playing a prank on their father.

We all bursted out laughing as well because Heeseung's face and hair was covered in confetti.

"That was the funniest thing I've seen in a few months!! When did you take a confetti canon??"

"I hid one in the closet in case I was paired up with someone."

"Ok you made the game a bit eventful, Riki spin the bottle."

Ni-ki spun the bottle in which it landed on Me, the rest grinned because they knew what Riki would do. "You and Jay, 5 minutes.closet."

Jay and I didn't look at each other, we both awkwardly entered the closet. The dark, dim light closet.

The room was tranquil, serene, nobody spoke a word. "Why did you do that." I finally spoke up, not wanting to keep the silence anymore.

"I didn't mean to, I wasn't thinking properly. And you closed your eyes, didn't you?" He raised a brow. He noticed. HE NOTICED.

"I-i I just d-did it without any intention." I stuttered, I could feel my cheeks heat up from humiliation. A low scoff emitted from Jay's mouth, he pulled my hands over my head and pinned me against the wall.

"You look like you wanted it...Seo. Is that right?" He teased,  maybe I wanted it or maybe I've gone psycho. Both are an option.


"Shhh not a word out of that mouth, Hmm? They'll be opening the door soon, just act normal." He released my arms that were above my head.

The door opened, Ni-ki  shifted his eyes to me and Niki . His expression was as if he wasn't satisfied with what he saw, "you guys did nothing, what was the point?"

"You shut your mouth before I do it myself." Jay warned the youngest one before getting into his seat.


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