Old comrades, sudden invite

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As you started working at the hotel, helping Husk with Angel but mostly doing you guard duty you noticed that it was just... boring

(y/n) i feel like im going to black out 

(charlie) WHAT!?, what wrong, you feel sick, headache ?

(y/n) no... im bored

(vaggie) so why did you say that you felt like blacking out ?

(y/n) i do, im just so bored cause im happy that i can help around but... nothing happens here, like we still have no new patients so the only job i have now is that knock Angel out when his pissing  off vaggie, and that happens once a day

(vaggie) he's right about that

(charlie) wait what ?

(y/n) shut, im not done yet, and when im not doing that just walk around the hotel doing nothing !!!

(charlie) is it that bad exploring the hotel tho ?

(y/n) ... i can literally walk around the hotel backwards blindfolded on all fours like im being possessed by a demon

(charlie) ...oh

(vaggie) that's terrifying

(y/n) yeah i know 

(charlie) ok well how about you just take the day off, i bet nothing will happen if you just take the rest of the day off ok ?

(y/n) huh, well i guess i will, thanks

(charlie) your welcome

(angel dust) can i take the rest of the day off too ?

(vaggie) OH NO YOU DONT, Y/N!!!

(angel dust) yeah y/n, please smack me again~

(y/n) ...nope i have a day off, have fun you two

(vaggie) "something spanish"

(angel dust) awwww just a small hit aaaand his gone... damn

(charlie) if want y/n to notice you Angel just tell him~

(angel dust) tell him what ?

(charlie) you know what~

(angel dust) oh not this again, HUSK!!! get me a drink

(vaggie) ok i need to use that 

a little time skip to your room you decide you should head to the city, to see what happens there... and make sure people still fear you, so you decided to put on your armor before you took your P90 SMG from the table you hear fighting from the lobby

(y/n) ...are you serious... my one day off... and now something happen... fuck it im going to join the party

you grap your P90 and run to the lobby, you see Husk fast asleep, someone really made him a mess, Angel is protecting Charlie and Vaggie has her spear out

(y/n) well well well what happened here ?

(vaggie) i dont know who the guys are but the are really strong

(y/n) who ?

(vaggie) them

you turn around and see a group of soldiers... no special forces and they are really familiar

 no special forces and they are really familiar

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