Part 1- Winter

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Bucky's POV:
Steve had noticed that I wasn't really fitting in at the compound so he decided that we should go to the bar and take a few of the others with us so that I could get to know them. He had invited Sam, Natasha, Tony, and Bruce, Sam was the only one I've not tried to kill so I tried to talk to him more than the others.

"And now for our next performance we have, Samantha Hyde!"said the guy working the bar. A blonde haired girl walked onto the stage. Bucky didn't really pay much attention to this girl until she started singing-

"Oh I'm begging you, I'm begging you
Please come save me
I'm begging you, take away this pain-"

Bucky started to hum the song while she sang and he realized that there was only one other person that knew this song.

"Longing, rusted, seventeen, daybreak-" the girl sang.

Bucky knew these words all too well. It was the code words that created the winter soldier. Bucky ran the the bathroom, drink in hand. He sat in a stall and drank. She was dead, the only one who knew that song died a long time ago. The original Winter Soldier.

Samantha's POV:
Bucky had always said that I had a good singing voice, I never truly believed him until I got complements on this job. It had only been 5 months since I woke up from my coma. I was asleep for 70 years, I was shot when me and the Winter Soldier were on a mission. He left me to die, in the cold icy snow. Bucky would have never done that but the Winter Soldier left me like I was never a part of the mission anyway. I was called to the stage and I started to sing-

"Oh I'm begging you, I'm begging you
Please come and save me
I'm begging you take this pain away"

This crowd listened a lot more than the others, they liked the song and were very interested in what I was singing.

"Longing, rusted, seventeen, daybreak-" I sang this song and I hadn't sang this in-front of a crowd before but there was no harm in singing it. The past is past, and this one specifically I wish I could forget.

Bucky's POV:
It had been 20 minutes since I first came into the bathroom, my drink was gone and I was trying to push the thought of her out of my head. When Steve came into the bathroom to look for me he told me that people were leaving in a bit; we did have a mission tomorrow.

"We are leaving in 5 minutes, we have to get up at five so I would like to get back to the compound soon."said Steve.

"If we have a mission why did we go to a bar the night before?" I said wondering how bad of a hangover I would get in the morning. Steve had already left the bathroom by the time I was done talking. I left right after he did and we all went back to the compound, some of us, a bit too drunk.

The next morning I couldn't stop thinking about her. Samantha. She was the only girl I've ever truly loved. I shouldn't have left her in the snow on that night. When I completed my mission and hydra saw that I didn't have her with me I was put to sleep and she was forced out of my mind, that's when I claimed the name the Winter Soldier. It wasn't till now that I realized that they gave me that name in place of her. But Sammy could never be replaced, she was special, special to me.

We had saved the city, again. Steve was still on his mission to try and get me to know people, that's just how he is. I didn't care if I got along with anyone, I had Steve and I was getting along with Sam pretty well. Tony didn't really care that I was there, he mainly talked to me about my arm and what I could do with it, how it worked and some other questions I didn't know how to answer.

That night I had a dream, an oddly vivid dream. Samantha was there, we were in the small room of bunk beds for all of the supper soldiers at the time, there was only the 2 of us. The experiments on the others were failing and they were all dying. I was sitting on my bunk, Samantha in my arms. She looked up at me and smiled.

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