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Izuku had finished capturing the rest of the Shie Hassaikai. It only took him 30 minutes mainly because he was toying with them while testing out his quirk. But by the end of it, his clothes were tattered and torn so looking around he freed the people before he found something that fit him. It was a suit he even found a little dress that would fit Eri perfectly.

When he returned Eri was no longer lying on the couch. It was just him and Nezu. Izuku eyes glowed a bright neon green his pupils turning a brilliant gold. "Nezu where's my fucking daughter." His nails dug into the desk hearing the wood crack underneath him. "I-I- She got scared but when I tried to reassure her All Might came in with the overhaul mask making her scream before running off. I have my staff looking-" "Nezu if my daughter is hurt in any way be sure you are going to pay the price."

Nezu watched as Izuku got off the desk his horns appearing from the top of his head as well as his tail. He turned around the 10-foot tail swinging behind him as he walked down the hall. "Attention all staff and students there is a man with a ten-foot tail on campus do not engage he is looking for his daughter I repeat you are not to engage!" Izuku scoffed as he continued walking. "Eri! It's Papa!" He shouted his voice seeming to reach far as a little girl who was hiding in a closet perked her head up.

"Papa?" Izuku went outside looking at the building. "Eri if you can hear me go to the nearest window!" She crawled out of the closet slowly and carefully making her way to the window. When she made it to the window it opened as she peeked over she was high up but she could still see the figure of Izuku. "Papa!" Eri smiled seeing Izuku's heart warmed hearing her call him Papa. "Eri come to Papa" Izuku walked a little his hands held up to her. She tilted her head as she leaned over the window seeing the long way down.

"Don't worry I'll always catch you." He smiled as she looked at him. Eri was to respond before the door opened a large blonde man and others entered the room. Eri instantly remembered the man as he still had the mask in his hands. She screamed backing away from them as they came closer to her. When she hit the windowsill she looked down at Izuku still holding out his hands. "Papa!!" She yelled as she leaned out of the window falling.

Izuku instantly took off ruining his suit which he liked flying up to the falling girl many watched their eyes glued to them. "Eri? You can open your eyes." She slowly opened them seeing he was in her arms flying in the sky. "Papa! The bad man has come to take me!" She yelled wrapping her arms around Izuku. "Don't worry none of the badmen can harm you okay?" Izuku smiled as he flew up towards the window. Eri hiding in his chest.

"Put the mask down you're scaring her," Izuku said as he stroked her hair. All Might didn't seem pleased that someone was scared of the number one hero all because of a little mask. "She was kidnapped and experimented on by the men who wore those masks," Izuku said calming Eri. "All Might put the damn mask away!" Izuku looked up and saw the rest of the staff a man with long black hair and eye bags that seemed never fading. "Papa... I wanna go home..." Eri muttered against Izuku's neck. He complied with her wishes his wings wrapping around her in a cozy warmth.

He nodded towards the heros before leaving. He made sure to give nezu the address of the captured criminals. That's when he received his island and new identity along with adoption papers for Eri. "You work fast?" Izuku snickered signing the papers. "What can I say I like making powerful allies." Nezu shrugged his shoulders. "Well, I guess we will be in contact Nezu." Izuku smiled bowing slightly which Nezu returned. "Now where is this island?" Izuku asked as he was rocking Eri to sleep. "Well, it's off the coast of Japan it's called Dead Man's Land. Since it's surrounded by a constant storm all year around. But from what we can tell by the size of the storm it is a very large island."

Nezu hands Izuku a map showing where the island is even on the map a storm covers the island. "Hmm I like it..." Izuku smirked it was the perfect place to create a clan and build homes for them. It will even be able to host as the main residence of the hunter's library seeing as it was their realm. It was perfect. "Welp I have to go home and get this one some rest but I do hope we meet again Nezu. Maybe even for some tea." Nezu watched as Izuku went to the window which just opened he jumped out and flew off the UA campus many of their college students in shock.

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