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Three months later

Izuku was sitting in an office sipping his tea as he, Rayna his elder in healing, Myran his secretary, Lithun his General, and Nari his first elder at his side were looking for more Demi-hunters and hunters-in training for their home. They had many of their hunters in training looking all around the world practicing for their roles as scouts sending them info on possible recruits at first it wasn't many but after a while, they were sending five to ten people a day.

 They had many of their hunters in training looking all around the world practicing for their roles as scouts sending them info on possible recruits at first it wasn't many but after a while, they were sending five to ten people a day

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Myran Soris- 27 "The Hunter of Knowledge"

Lithun Hung- 47 "The Hunter of the Fierce

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Lithun Hung- 47 "The Hunter of the Fierce."

Nari Hung- 49 "The Hunter of the Sky

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Nari Hung- 49 "The Hunter of the Sky."

They all let out a breath of relief after choosing over two hundred people they were finally done. "Myran please alert the scouts for them to come deliver these invitations. Nari please return to the motherland and have them prepared for their arrival." Izuku leaned back in his chair he had gotten some hush money from the government to keep his involvement in the overhaul raid a secret they were able to afford a large complex of apartments to become one of their soon-many income sources.

"Yes, Your Majesty." The two got up bowing towards him before taking off in a puff of smoke. "Rayna please take Myran's spot as my secretary while he is away and please update me on our apartment expansion situation?" Izuku asked his legs crossed as he leaned his head on his left hand. "Due to the lack of funds and people, we have only been able to buy lower price places. Also, some of the tenants seemed to have refused to pay their rents." She gulped looking down even without him looking at her she could feel the anger growing off him he was her progenitor after all.

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