Professor Oldstrum

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Hogwarts food was Lauren's favorite, and the opening night feast was certainly no exception. Plates of chicken, roast potatoes, rolls, and a plethora of vegetables were piled high on golden platters. After her third helping of banana pudding and fifth glass of pumpkin juice, Lauren finally yawned and stretched her arms over her head, bringing them to rest over her neighbors, Tess and Angelina.

"Watch it, Davies," Angelina muttered with her mouth full. "Not all of us eat like our food is about to get taken away."

Lauren grinned. "You missed me."

Angelina just rolled her eyes and went back to her plate. Lauren chuckled slightly at her friend's annoyance. There wasn't anyone at Hogwarts more similar to her than Angelina. She was the second friend Lauren had made at Hogwarts, after Tess of course.

As soon as Lauren discovered quidditch, Angelina had been the one to teach her how to fly properly, and the girls had trained for countless hours together, hoping to make their house team. Charlie Weasley had been hesitant to take on two second year chasers, but couldn't say no once he saw the two of them together. They were certainly a formidable pair.

Lauren removed her arms and put her head in her hands while she waited for the rest of the Gryffindor table to finish eating. She glanced around the room to see if anyone else was done, but only Oliver's plate was clean. Her eyes lingered on him for a moment before he turned his head and she quickly looked away, but she could feel his eyes heating up her face.

She ducked her head and squeezed her eyes shut. Something about seeing him on the train earlier had thrown her off rhythm and she was furiously trying to figure it out.

"What do you look so startled about?" Tess asked while nudging her elbow.

"Nothing," said Lauren dismissively. "Just tired."

Suddenly, a commanding voice echoed around the room interrupting their conversation.

"Good evening students and welcome back to Hogwarts. Now that you've all been sorted into your houses, I have a few start of term announcements. First, please remember that no student is permitted in the forbidden forest. You can trust that our caretaker, Mr. Filch, will know if you wander in without permission. Next, please welcome our new Care of Magical Creatures professor, Decker Oldstrum."

A polite applause ensued around the Great Hall as a young man stood up from the table at the front of the room. Lauren could hear whispers as students all around her commented on his powerful appearance. His sleek black robes matched his slicked back hair, and he casually waved before returning to his seat. His confidence was charming and made Lauren feel small, a feeling she despised and rarely experienced.

Behind her, she heard excited chatter coming from a group of Ravenclaw's, the loudest voice belonging to Emily Helios, another fourth year who excelled in Care of Magical Creatures. She was loudly whispering to her friend about all the different creatures they would cover that year.
"I hope we learn about Murtlaps." Emily wrung her hands together in anticipation. Her friend nodded in aggressive agreement. "And Hippogriffs! Imagine seeing one up close." She sighed and finally went quiet as Dumbledore continued to speak.

"Thank you for that warm welcome. First years, you may follow the prefects to your dormitories, I hope to see you all tomorrow ready for another excellent term."

Lauren jumped up, antsy from sitting still for so long, and waited impatiently for Tess and Angelina to follow suit. They finally rose and the three girls walked out of the Great Hall into the throng of students making their way up the shifting staircases. Lauren spotted Erin and Claire exchanging words at the base of the stairs. The only thing that separated those two was the colour of their robes, Lauren thought as Claire turned and started up the stairs while Erin made her way towards the dungeons.

Lauren Davies and the Glydan PipeWhere stories live. Discover now