A Late Night Meeting

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Tess didn't say anything when Lauren entered their bedroom, but flashed her a knowing smirk.

"What?" Lauren huffed.

"Nothing," Tess replied innocently as she ran a brush softly through her long hair.

Lauren rolled her eyes and decided to drop it for the time being.

"What's the plan?" Lauren glanced at her watch. It was just after nine, two hours before they were supposed to meet Campbell.

"Not a hundred percent sure," Tess said. The 'notes journal,' as they'd taken to calling it, was sprawled across her legs and she was scribbling frantically. "Erin is a bit skeptical about taking the bean, but as far as I know, Claire said she'd meet us at the bottom of Gryffindor tower at quarter till eleven."

Lauren nodded. Their loose plan seemed foolproof enough. There was only one more thing on her mind.

"How are we going to explain to Isla and Angelina that we're leaving past curfew?"

"That, my friend, is the part of the plan that I'm still trying to work out." Tess blew a raspberry and threw the journal into her side table drawer. "Ideas?"

"We could knock them out with a stunning spell. I've been practicing a few good ones." Lauren pulled out her wand, but Tess quickly stopped her.

"Lauren, you don't need me to tell you that's an awful idea, right?"

"Do you have a better idea?" Lauren sighed in exasperation. She'd been wanting to practice her stunning spells.

"Wouldn't it be easiest to wait in the common room and hope they go to bed at a reasonable hour?"

Lauren snorted. "When has Angelina ever gone to bed at a reasonable hour?"

Tess shrugged. "Good point, but it's the best plan we've got."

Suddenly, the door swung open and Isla walked in. She glanced at Lauren and then to Tess.

"It sure does get quiet when I enter rooms these days," she said, rather passive-aggressively. "I feel like I haven't seen you two in ages. Oh well. Maybe I'll just get Oliver to study with me instead."

Lauren's jaw dropped. She stared at Tess, who matched her gaping expression and mouthed 'what the heck' as soon as Isla's back was turned.

"I'm going to go look over some notes," Lauren muttered before grabbing Tess's composition book and storming out of the room. She clambered down the stairs, quickly spotted Angelina on the couch, and sat down next to her rather forcefully.

"Easy there, tiger." Angelina scooched over to make room, but kept her eyes focused on the book she was reading.

"What is her deal?" Lauren began to rant. "She just made the rudest comment to me and Tess about not hanging out with her and then she's been spending time with..." She trailed off, realizing she hadn't talked to Angelina about her crush, but her friend was already one step ahead and didn't even change her tone as she flipped the page.

"Oliver is the name I believe you're looking for." Even though the sentence was cheeky, she delivered it without judgment or teasing.

Lauren paused, not knowing what to say next. Luckily, Angelina didn't need an explanation and simply closed her book.

"Look, I know it's petty, but Isla is jealous that you and Tess are spending time with other people. It doesn't take a detective to figure that out. She's not like us. She doesn't really have other friends. She's probably hanging out with Oliver because she wants your attention, and anyone can see that you have feelings for him."

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