Chapter 1: Gold

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      The man flew closely behind the crows. The crow in the lead squawked and started circling. All the crows came to a stop, only flapping their wings to stay in the air. The crows all knew they had arrived.

     "Go back home, my dear crows, and feast on the sweet berries!" He paused, noticing that none of the crows left his side. He signed, "Fine, in case I need assistance you can come. Let's go if you are ready,"

      The crows cawed in return, they told the man that they were ready. The man dove down, quickly, the crows following behind. He gently landed in an open area in the bleachers. The crows landed too, hiding within the very same set of bleachers.

     Loud chanting started up as they heard the noise of a chamber opening. He heard the name "Pig" being chanted a lot. "Pig" walked into the stadium, looking like he was going to collapse.

     "Pig" was a small boy, who looked half-starved. "Pig's" two hooves had trouble keeping the boy balanced. His pink hair was messy and down to his shoulders. He was wearing old and ripped clothing that was stained with dried blood. His pig eas stuck out of the sides of his head and his curly pig tail was short, almost like it was cut off. He only looked 10 years old, holding a tiny knife and no armor.

     The man gasped in horror as he saw "Pig's" opponent's chamber opened up. A massive polar bear stepped out and started to charge for the child. He shot up, knowing he needed to act fast, and dove for the arena. His crows followed closely behind. Right before the polar bear got to the child the man swooped in and scooped the child up from the ground. The crows started pecking at the polar bear, keeping it distracted.

     The crowd was filled with hundreds of boos. The booing only stopped when a loud deep voice came over the intercom. "Guards! Get that man!! He has our only remaining shapeshifter!"

     Hidden guards appeared, drawing back crossbows, aiming the arrows at the man's wings. The blonde shouted something to the crows. The man flew away, holding the child tight. He knew his crows were following close behind. The boy snuggled up to the man and sobbed into the man's robe. The man's blue eyes flashed a look of pity as he held the boy closer.

      After a few hours of travel, they were back at the man's house. It was about noon now, it looked to be about 10 am when the man took the child. The house was a small cottage in the outskirts of the woods. He set the child down on the porch to examine him.

      At a closer expectation, the man could tell the child had very interesting eyes. His eyes were half gold and half blue. He had new and old scars littering his face, arms, and hands. His pig ears had golden piercings. The man assumed this was because he was the stadium's champion. The child had two small tusks that poked out of his lips. The child had dark circles under his eyes. The man smiled at the frowning boy. "Hello, my name is Philza, but you can call me Phil. I'm going to be taking care of you." The boy looked up at Philza, then around frantically. "Sir, why am I here?" The boy panicked. Before Philza could respond he continued. "They are going to kill me if I'm here!" The boy's eyes teared up. Philza hugged the small child. "I will protect you kid, no matter what it costs me," Philza replied in a very serious tone. The child hugged Philza back and broke out into sobs. The kid took some deep breaths and Philza rubbed circles in the child's back. After the child had stopped sobbing he let got and backed up a tiny bit. "What's your name kid?" Philza asked, pure love for the child gleaming in his bright blue eyes.

     The child's gold and blue eyes sparkled and widened with joy. "My name is Techno!" he chirped in excitement. "Um, Mr. Phelza?" Philza held back a chuckle at the way Techno pronounced his name. Philza made a face that told Techno to continue. "Can I call you papa?"

     Philza was smiling more and chuckled. "Of course, son." Techno jumped into Philza's arms. He was squealing and oinking with joy. Philza grinned ear to ear. He was a dad now, this thought caused him to tear up out of joy.

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