9. in pieces

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"So. Anyone want to watch a movie?" I asked with a hopeful sigh.

"Mort, what were you doing with Joonas?" Olli said from his spot on the couch. He sat with his arm on the couch, a red faced Ann next to him. When Olli asked my face also turned red. I hope they didn't think I was trying to get it on with their guitarist.

"Oh nothing. He was just tired so I let him lay down in my bed. He probably didn't get the best night sleep. I mean, he fell asleep before bed and that ruins your sleep cycle. He also was sharing a pull-out couch with two other grown men so it's not the most comfortable." I defended. I saw the slight smirk on Niko's face as he nodded his head. I huffed and threw myself onto my couch.

"Since we're watching a movie can it be Titanic." Niko suggested. We all groaned.

"Niko we literally watched it like last night. No way." Olli said throwing his head back. Ann looked at him with a huge smile on her face.

"Well Ann's our guest so why don't we let her choose?" Aleksi said, he's such a peacemaker. When he suggested that, Joel raised his mug and Niko huffed.

"I agree." Olli and I said at the same time. We all laughed and Ann grabbed the remote from the coffee table. She opened Amazon Prime and pressed the letter 'm' in the search bar. After she typed in a couple more letters I noticed it was Midsommar.

"Ooh what's that movie about, Ann." Niko said grabbing a pillow and holding it to his chest. Oh poor Niko.

"You'll see. It's one of my favourite films." Ann said pressing play. Yeah I was going to sit this one out.

"I'll be right back. I'm going to make sure Joonas is okay." I said silently whispering in Tommi's ear before standing up and flipping the light switch. Tommi gave me a thumbs up and I was off.

I opened the door to my room and I heard gentle snoring. He was very cute while asleep. His face was smushed against the pillow and his hair sprawled all over my pillow. Gorgeous.

I was about to leave the room when he gently stirred awake. "Mort? Is that you?" he asked sitting up. I walked over to the foot of the bed and sat down. Reaching my hand over, I softly ran my fingers through his hair.

"Yeah it's me. Just wanted to check up on you. They're watching a horror movie out there." I said placing my hands back on my lap. He yawned and moved towards my spot on the bed.

"Can you stay now? Please." He looked up at me with his bright blue eyes. I didn't want to go back out there and I felt myself grow tired. It wasn't even late, it was around noon I think.

"Yes. I'll stay with you for a bit Joonas." I sighed, running my hand through my hair. He quickly jumped back under the covers and pulled the other side over so I could slide in. Once I had gotten comfortable, he placed his head on my chest and his arm around my stomach. I let my hand fall to his head as I stroked his head, watching him drift asleep. After a while I too fell asleep.

"Stop being so fucking loud you're going to wait them up."

"Joel, you're the one being loud."

"Both of you shut up. You both are going to wake them."

"Ow. Ann you have a strong smack."

"Guys I got a picture of them."

"Olli did you actually? Let me see."

I woke to the sound of voices from my doorway. When I opened my eyes I saw all six of them staring at me while Joonas still was asleep on my chest. When they saw I had woken up all their eyes widened and waved their hands.

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