Chapter 1

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"Takehiro's POV"

My body aches all over.  I went out with Victor for some drinks last night at a local bar that I friend of mine owns.  I vaguely remember walking to the parking lot across the street from the bar. It all happened so fast. I was holding hands with Victor and he was telling me about something Alexander had done earlier that day. There was a sudden screeching, like a car trying break quickly then I remember hearing a low scream and then nothing.
I struggle to open my eyes but they feel so heavy. Why do they feel so heavy? Ugh, my head is pounding so bad I can barely think. I move my hand around on the bed and notice it doesn't feel like my sheets at home. Panic begins rushing through me as I struggle to get my bearings. Wait, where is Victor? 

My breathing starts to become rapid and the sound of a heart monitor going off blares. My eyes shoot open and the bright light burns them so I immediately place my hand over them.

"Victor?" I said only to be met with cold silence.

I hear footsteps rapidly approaching wherever I am and suddenly, several people enter the room. As my eyes slowly adjust to the bright light, I realize where I am. I'm in the hospital. My panic level continued to rise and the heart monitor continues to scream.

"Takehiro, you need to calm down! You are having a panic attack!" I hear Hatori say and his words barely register. 

"Victor. Where is Victor!?" I cry out, unable to breathe as I begin to shake like a leaf until I feel a sharp pinch. I slowly start to calm down and I collapse back onto the bed as I slowly feel sleep take over me again and everything goes dark.


I groan as I slowly come to. I sit up slowly and look around the room only to see my cousin, Yuuki, sitting in a chair beside my bed, reading a scroll.

"Yuuki?? What are you doing here?? What happened??" I ask, and I see her beautiful hazel eyes that she got from her mother look up from the school and a relieved smile appears on her face.

"Takehiro! You're awake! Hatori called me after he had to sedate you because you had a panic attack when you first woke up. He thought seeing a familiar face when you came to again would help you not panic. How are you feeling??" She asks in that soft but strong voice of hers.

"I'm a little sore but other than that, I'm okay. I think." I say, feeling like I'm forgetting something only to gasp.

"Yuuki, what happened to Victor?? Is he okay??" I ask quickly, remembering my desperate need from earlier to find out. 

The smile slowly fades from Yuuki's face and my heart sinks down to my stomach. Oh gods. What the hell happened??

"Takehiro, Victor got hit by a truck. The police said it was a drunk driver. He's alive but in bad shape. Hatori said that he suffered 5 broken ribs, one of which broke off and pierced his left lung. He's still in emergency surgery. His condition is critical and there is a significant chance Victor could either die on the table or when he is in recovery. He has a minor concussion but Hatori said that there is still a slight chance that even if he pulls through the surgery that he may be comatose for weeks or months or that he might never wake up at all." Yuuki says and I feel tears burn my eyes. I sit there, silently, looking at Yuuki.

"I know that this is a lot to dump on you, Takehiro, but," she places her hand on top of mine, "you needed to know in case the worst scenario happens. And so you can be prepared. Victor has loved you for over 10 years and when, not if, he pulls through this, you need to understand how you really feel about him, Takehiro. I know you care about him but caring isn't enough. I know you love Misaki but it is time to let him go and open your heart to someone loves you so much that her would die for you if need be." I look at my cousin, utterly speechless at what she just told me. 

Victor loves me?? But how is that possible?? And for 10 years?? 

As if sensing my inner conflict, Yuuki squeezes my hands gently. "You have met Victor before. It was almost 11 years ago now. Victor and I were attending a party at the Asami estate and he had just a little too much to drink. Victor was stumbling around the house trying to find a bathroom when lost his balance and started falling down the stairs. That's where you caught him and saved him from getting hurt. Right then and there, he sworn a life oath for the debt he owned you. As a Demonis Clan member, he was honor bound to swear a life oath and he fulfilled it when he pushed you out of the way of the truck and got hit instead. Now, I'm not telling you this to make you feel bad or to guilt you into having feelings for Victor. I'm telling you this because you need to understand how long Victor has known you, loved you. Truth be told, you saved Alexander's life that day too. Victor didn't know it yet but he was already pregnant with Alexander and had he fallen down those stairs, Alexander wouldn't exist today. So, if you put it into perspective, he owned you a life debt for saving his son's life, not necessarily his." Yuuki finishes and leans back in her chair, rubbing her 3 month pregnancy bump. It's hers and Hitomi's second child and I couldn't be happier for them.

I sigh deeply as I nod. "Thank you for telling me, Yuuki. I had no idea that Victor and I had already met. That makes a lot of sense actually. But one thing I don't understand is, if Victor was already pregnant with Alexander, why was he at a party getting drunk when he had Alexander's father at home??" I ask, feeling slightly confused.

A strange look comes across my cousin's face and she fidgets in her chair, looking highly uncomfortable. "That isn't my story to tell, Takehiro. All I will say on the matter is that Alexander's father hasn't been in the picture. Ever. I'm sure Victor will tell you when the time is right." Yuuki finishes and I know she won't say anything more on the matter. My cousin has always been an excellent secret keeper and I know when her lips are sealed on certain matters. 

We fall into a comfortable silence afterwards and I lay back against the pillows on my hospital bed. Hatori comes in awhile later to check my vitals then he sits on the rolling doctor's chair and looks at me.

"I'm glad to see you are doing better, Takehiro. Calmer. I was right to have Yuuki be here the next time you woke up. Now, I have an update on Mr. Demonis. He's out of surgery and her pulled through like a trooper. He's been moved to the ICU where he will be monitored for the next several days until he wakes up. If and when he does wake up, he will be moved to recovery, and pending how he does, then he can have visitors. Until then, you are free to go home as soon as the discharge nurse brings the papers to discharge you. Don't hesitate to call me if you start feeling sick or ill in any way, Takehiro. Even if it's a headache, call me. It's better to be safe than sorry and you end up back in here." Hatori explains and I simply nod. Hatori stays and chats with Yuuki for a little while before getting up and hugging her, then returning to his duties. 

A short while later, the discharge nurse comes with the discharge paperwork and I sign everything then gather my belongs and follow Yuuki out of the hospital. I just want to get home and take a shower before going to sleep. I'm going to have to go check on Alexander tomorrow. He shouldn't be left alone. 

Yuuki gives me a ride home and the drive back to the estate is silent, which I don't mind since I'm feeling too tired to make conversation. We pull up to my family's mansion a few minutes later and I bid Yuuki good night before I make my way into the mansion and upstairs to my chambers where I strip, take a quick shower, then all but pass out on my bed.


Hello my pretties!!!

I have rewritten most of this chapter to make it longer and bring out more character development. The rewrites will continue for most of the chapters and the later chapters will just have some minor grammar fixes and whatnot. I hope you like the rewrite of Demonis Chapter 1 and I look forward to redoing the rest and making a better book at of my very first book!!

Till next time my pretties!!~~

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