Chapter 14

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Kobe pov-

I'm going home... To kill Anaya. My life right now means more than her.

"Baby! Baby..." I called out for her checking every where. She wasn't home meaning she went to that abandoned store.

I ran back out of the house and drove to the store.


I finally reached the store so I got out and started to load my gun. As I walk inside I see a tall body figure. I smirk to myself thinking that this night's gonna be fun.

"Well well well, isn't it little breeezo or as I may say Daddy breeezo" he chuckled pulling someone from behind him.

"Baby, help." Anaya whined trying to move away from him.

"Who's baby. I'm not your baby." I said laughing at her pointing the gun at her head.
"W-what baby its me... Anaya, please." She's cried squirming around.

"Anaya shut the fuck up." I said cocking the gun back. She cried even more. I shot Dylan in the head and grabbed Anaya away from him.

"One down 6 to go. " She smiled kissing me I smiled kissing her back.

"Your acting skills have gotten a lot better baby." I pulled her closer by her waist while squeezing her her ass.

"Don't get to carried away baby." She smiled walking off and walked right behind her.

Anaya broke down the door holding two gun in different directions.

"Hello motha-fuckas." She yelled shooting at the 3 men dodging them and shooting back.

Soon Anaya ran out of bullets so she was gonna have to fight her way thru. For the first guy she grabbed his gun out of his hand and shot it through his ear 5 times.

The second guy grabbed her by the throat from the back so she did a backflip making his back pop and him fall onto the floor. She then took the chance to snap his neck around.

For the third guy he tried running but she took two knives out of her pocket and threw them at his eye making a direct hit.

"Damn... I'm pregnant and fight y'all pussies was easy." I laughed walking out to see that Kobe was already done.

"Took you long enough. Let's go home." He picked me up bridal style taking me to the car.

*At home*

"Oh shit the camera is still around the house. Ehh I need target practice anyways." I shrugged grabbing my knives throwing them at the cameras.

". "Baby come on!" Anaya yelled from upstairs. I ran upstairs into our room and jumped on our bed.

"Get yo behind down and get in bed." She said laughing at me pulling me down with her.

She lied her head down in my chest and we both soon fell asleep.


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