Chapter 19

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I'm hungry



I get ready to go to drew's house for the first time, I just put on some sweatpants and a regular t-shirt. I grabbed my keys and head out the door, and got inside of my red camaro. I head to drew's house which is 10 minutes  away from my house.

I pull up into the drive way and saw that there was another car in the drive way. I got out of my car and walked up to the front door and knocked. A few seconds later drew answered the door.

"Nice house drew" I said when I walked in. she laughs.

"What's so funny?" I asked.

"This is not my house." she says.

"Then who's house is it?" I ask.

"It's mine" I heard a voice coming from behind me and I turned around and saw someone that I thought I would never see again.


"Yeah, hi y/n."

"Holy shit, it's really you i-" I was cut off when billie came crashing into my arms and giving me a hug which I gladly accept. We hugged for a probably a minute but it felt like time had stopped and it was just the two of us.

I let go when I heard a clicking noise meaning someone was taking a picture and me and billie turned to drew and looked at her.

"What? You know one day you are going to be thanking me for taking this picture." Me and billie laughed.

"Good to know that drew hasn't changed" I said smiling while turning to look at billie again.

"Yeah she's still an annoying fuck." Billie says smiling back at me.

"HEY! I'm not the annoying one you are" drew says back at billie which led to them arguing. 

I walked and sat down on the couch eating the leftover popcorn while I see the two girls fight and I smile to myself when I realized things hasn't changed at all. 

"Y'all finished?" i asked putting the bowl of popcorn back on the little table I grabbed it from.

"Yeah" drew answered me then I was pulled up by my arm, and then billie started hitting me.

"OW! What was that for?" I asked while rubbing the spot where she hit me.

"You're lucky you got taller because if you weren't I would've smacked you across you face for disappearing." Then she hugged me again. Which is funny because her face is like on my boobs when she hugged me and so I wrapped my arms around her head rocking us side to side.

"This is cute moment but lets talk about the real reason you are here." drew said.

"Oh was me finally seeing billie not the reason I was brought here?" I asked.

"No and yes, but anyways" 

I chuckled and let go of billie to sit back on the couch. "Alright so what is the reason I am here?" I asked.

"So you know how you told me a great movie to watch and like we did and-"

"You're wondering if I'm making another movie?" i finished her sentence.

"Umm well.... yeah" billie said.

"I could get into some serious shit but fuck it, yeah my team is planning to make another movie." I said and omg you should've seen how their faces lit up.

"Are you deadass?" 

"Billie i literally just said i can get into trouble, yes i'm deadass" i said shaking my head while chuckling.

"No fuckin way" drew said.

"So now that you got your answer-"

"You're noting to leave yet right?" billie said.

"No" I chuckled "I don't have anywhere to be and I don't have plan for tonight so I'm staying for a little longer"

"What about Katie?" Drew asked.


"Wait, wait, wait, what's your girlfriends name? Like her full name?" Billie asked.

"Katie, Katie Williams" I answered while grabbing the control to find something to watch.

Billie stood up and got in front of me blocking the tv.

"Hey, billie i don't know if you noticed but you're blocking the tv. So move out of the fuckin way." I smiled at her.

"You're dating Katie Williams?" She says in pure shock.

"Yup" I said getting up to drink some water and to avoid talking about this cuz I'm still mad at her. 

"I'm a big fan of hers." Billie says then I remember something.

"Billie you make music right?" I asked 

"Yeah, you wanna listen to it?" 


"ok." She left to get her laptop that I'm guessing that's in her room. She came back with her laptop and she played a song that sounded familiar, then I remembered Katie, she made me listen to this same song. I didn't realized I zoned out until Billie clapped in my face.

"You good?"

"Yeah I just remembered Katie is a big fan of you. She loves your music."

"No fuckin way are you for real?"

"Yes billie" I laughed when she started jumping off of happiness.

She stopped jumping when she got a phone call, and she pulled out her phone and smiled at it. "I'll be right back" she says. "hey babe" I hear her say.

"Billie has a boyfriend?" I asked drew.

"Yeah but i don't like him tho, he's bad news"

"What's his name?"

"His name is brandon/q/seven/sev but she calls him q" 

"motherfucker has so many names" I laughed and drew laughs along with me.


Hey guys sorry for not updating I've been busy, I went to a quinceanera and saw my old crush and she asked for my number since I had it changed for personal reasons 🧍‍♀️

Anyways but when I was there she made me realized that I really just ghosted everyone and like disappear and she tried to reach out to me but I changed my number, so I felt bad lol, but like we used to be close. Hopefully we can become close again.

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