first date

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Ever since I met Lee everything has been going great. He ask me on a date last week for a date today.

I started getting ready for my date in 1 hour.. Lee's the only person I've really liked.

I got scared out of my thoughts when I got a text.


Hey I'll be there to pick you up at 7:30.. Be ready -Lee;)

To: Lee

Alrighty see you then:)


I chose to wear  a dark blue loose fitted below knee length dress.

My makeup was only a little bit of mascara .. And shoes were black flats..

By the time I was all done it was 10 to 6..

(Six minutes later)

*Knock knock*

I opened the for to see Lee in a white button down shirt with black dress pants.

"Hello." "Hi. Wow you look beautiful!"

"Thank you! You look great yourself!"

"Why Thank you" said Lee.

"Shall we" he said opening the door for me.

"Thank you."

(At the restaurant)

Lee and I talked for a bit until the waiter came.

"What would you like to drink tonight?"

Before I had time to think about it lee ask me "is red wine ok?".."that would be perfect." I said back to Lee "alright red wine it is. I'll be back to take your orders!"

After looking through the menu for a little while Lee started to talk..

"So how was your week.. Hows work going?"

"It was really good very busy.. Work is going good lots of houses last week and next week!!" I said.. "What is it you do again? I'm sorry little bit of a bad memory!". Says Lee looking a little bit embarrassed "that's ok.. I work as an interior designer, its a very busy job."

After a little bit the waiter came back to take our orders.

"What would you like."

"I'll get the steak salad" said Lee

"And for you Miss?"

"I'll get the taco salad no toast.. Thanks"

"Be right up".

After dinner we started to walk back to his vehicle. "So how was your meal." Asked Lee "it was really good thank you.. And yours." "It was great"

"Well here's your destination.. I'll walk you to your door."

"Ok" "I hope you had a good night" said Lee.. "I had a wonderful night thank you again for it as well." "Good I'll like to do it again sometime" "me to"..

"Well good night.. I'll call you to do this again". "Ok that would be great . good night Lee"

Then he started to lean in and I fount my self leaning in and when our lips touched it was like a box of fire works went off around us and the butterflies went loose "goodnight beautiful" "by Lee look forward to next time."

Best date of my life

Lee Pace imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now