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IT HASN'T BEEN LONG SINCE THE LAST BELL rang, and as they make their way to class, there's an awkward silence that only Y/n feels suddenly brewing amongst the two. The only sounds she can make out are from their footsteps as they walk alongside each other down the empty halls, and the teachers that had already begun teaching with the doors wide open.

With her tongue poking at the flesh inside her cheek she steals a glance at Armin, her eyes shifting over to one side as she peers at him through the corner of her eyes. His head is held high as he stares blankly down the halls like his mind is clouded with thoughts, and before she has the chance to start admiring the boy's features, her heart sinks when his eyes whip to their side to catch her staring.

Armin turns his head; a smile creeping up on his mouth as a short breath slips from his nostrils when she tries hiding the fact after she's already been caught. His eyes trail over her and she becomes hot after feeling him burn holes into her skin, all while he's building up the courage and is finally blurting, "Let me take you out on a date..."

A bubbly feeling grows deep within the interior of her gut, while her exterior fails to show any kind of emotion as she comes to an abrupt halt in front of her classroom door, "A what now?!"

"A date." Armin repeats himself with a smile etching on the corner of his mouth as his eyes are locked onto her. He removes his hands from his front pockets as he takes a step closer, cornering her against the wall while his hands creep around the small of her back, pulling himself in as he bends down.

A sweet scent lingers up into her nose as his soft lips leave wet smooches against her neck, his breath is warm against her skin, his nose brushing up against the crook of her neck as he fills her ears with the plans he's already made for their date, and she can't help it when her lips melt into a small smile from just the thought alone.

His hand snakes down to her ass, and she's moaning a small "Armin~" when he cups her ass through the fabric of her dress. It's sitting in his hands perfectly and when he grabs onto her rear for a tight squeeze the soft flesh has no choice but to mold into his hands.

She's getting him worked up as his words muffle into her skin each time he pauses in between a kiss. It isn't until something catches Y/n's eyes, having her to let out a soft yet more stern "Armin!" as her hands rise up to his chest to firmly push him off, and it's eventually pulling him from his mindless gibbering.

Armin can tell her mind is completely somewhere else as her eyes trail after the two people that aimlessly walk along the halls, and he's finally grabbing her attention when his hands wrap around her biceps, holding a firm grip that has her eyes shooting back into his with anxiety.

"What's the matter with you?" He asks, his brows furrowing slightly as he lets out a reassuring smile at her frantic expression, and she's returning one back with Armin's eyes tailing after her hands as she places one over his.

"Sorry Armin, I just don't want people getting the wrong idea about us." She tells him while peeling his hands off of her arm, he can almost hear his heart pounding in his chest as his smile slowly fades, "I mean like.. we're not even dating yet, and I already know how these people operate."

He couldn't be crazy to assume she felt the same way, right? After all they have been fucking around for months now, and he's been casually throwing hints at her every time they hung out.

"But what does any of that matter?" He tries reasoning with her, but he's not getting through to her. Y/n opens her mouth, her lips falling apart as she struggles to just let out what she wants, but she can't— not right in this moment at least, so she holds it back instead letting out a sigh.

"Bye Armin." She sings before turning around to open the door, he bites his lip, eyeing the girl down that he's already made it clear to himself what he wants, and he wasn't going to let her get away that easily.

"Alright we'll see about it then."Armin murmurs to himself from under his breath, and as her hand is on the knob ready to enter in through the door she slightly turns her head, rolling her eyes while shaking her head in disbelief that he always has something slick to add after the conversation is already said and done.


The classroom door bursts open as Y/n walks in, everyone picking up their head to see what all the commotion is about as she struts in quickly with the door swinging shut behind her. She stops in her tracks as she scans the room for any open seats, and as everybody brings their attention back to what they're doing before, Eren's eyes are still locked onto her, captivated in all her essence.

"Pretty, isn't she?" Eren hears Floch's taunting words as they echo into his ear, but Eren doesn't really pay him too much attention when he lets out a small hum in agreement.

Eren's cheeks are all balled up in the palm of his hands as he rests his head down, his eyes soften with a small glimmer to them while his face burns a shade of pink as his eyes pray on Y/n, and Floch has an evil little smile growing on his face when he leans from out the side of his desk to get a better look.

"Oh shit!" Floch shakes his head as he lets out a breathy laugh, having Eren's face to form into a flat expression as he turns his head, and as quick as he was to turn his head he's even faster to face forward in his seat as Flock begins cackling to himself. The more Floch drags out his laughter, Eren slouches into his seat with his arms crossed over his chest as he waits for his outburst to be over with.

"Who would've thought..." Floch breathes out, his hand over his chest as he lets out a couple short breaths to cool himself down, and Eren is all ears when Floch turns his head to him, his ears perking up when he tells him "You know she has a boyfriend, right?"

Eren's quick to sit up in his seat, his whole body turning over as he whips his head to pry even more, "Who?" The corner of Floch's lip crinkle into a mischievous smile when he sees Y/n walking around the desk to pull a seat out right next to Eren, and he finds it entertaining when she grumbles, "Shit man, Erwin really got us doing work on the first day?" and Eren is slowly turning his head to face her.

She sends a scowl Erwin's way as she puts her bag down, and his lips come apart. His lips become dry from the air he's inhaling when she sits in the seat next to him. Y/n's eyes scan over the paper and quickly flip through the packet before she sits back in her seat to let out a huff.

"Hey Eren.." Eren's ears perk up at the sound of his name flowing so smoothly out of her mouth. Her head turns to face him while her eyes still linger on the packet for a split second before they dart right into his, "You got a pencil or something I can borrow?"

With his lips pursed together he nods his head, quickly flipping open the flap to his side sling backpack as he rummages through to pull out a pencil. Eren extends his hand out to her, and his cheeks grow a warm shade of red when her soft skin just barely grazes against his to grab it from his hand.

"Thanks!" Y/n tells him, and he smiles at her in return. His eyes still linger on her for a while as she uses his pencil to write her name down— that is until he hears Floch's words as they travel over to him when he calls him a simp. Eren's face drops as his eyes shift to the side, giving him a cold look, but not for long as he sees Armin in the classroom door window through his peripheral vision.

Armin's eyes dart into Eren's as he squints. He's been assessing them all as everything played out for him while he watched from not too far away. His face is serious, like he has it out for Eren. Armin's eyes rake down his body before he's shoving his fists into his pant's pocket, spinning on his foot as he finally walks to his own classroom, leaving Eren's mind racing with so many questions from the scowl he just received.

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